The ISIS-like photo of comedienne Kathy Griffin holding a bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump exemplifies how far the Democrats and liberal left have sunk to destroy Trump and his agenda for working class Americans by almost any means necessary.
I wonder what the families of American journalist James Foley thought of Griffin making fun and light of decapitations? Did anyone in the major media think to ask the Foley family what they thought of such a depiction? Do they even care?
Yes, CNN fired Griffin and a few of those on the left have condemned her. But, have you noticed the silence from Democrats like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and DNC Chair Tom Perez or anyone in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) who themselves would have gone apoplectic if such a depiction were done of Barack Obama.
Wonder why? It can be argued that it is because most of them agree with and have no problem with the depiction. Some might even suggest that it reflects their deep held private cocktail and cloak room whispers and snickers. Their silence adds credence to such dark thoughts.
It might also be argued that the same applies to the executives of the major networks, The Washington Post and The New York Times. America and Trump supporters know it!
The Griffin disgrace is just the latest in a long history of actions and comments of Democratic leaders and their left wing fascist shock troops who have called for frying cops like bacon, have broken windows and destroyed property, and otherwise disrupted and stifled the free speech rights of conservatives — and, more recently — have said that "children will die" Trump's "ethnic cleansing budget."
All of this was gasoline just waiting for Griffin's match to ignite the latest fire of anti-Trump hatred.
From the vulgarity and obscenity of comedians to the stifling of free speech, the main stream media, liberal Democrats and their allies on the left will do anything in their mission to destroy Donald Trump and kill his agenda by, as of yet, almost any means necessary. Civility and the Constitution be damned.
Among some of the worst and obscene exhibits in this mission were Madonna saying that she’s " . . . thought a lot about blowing up the White House"; | Snoop Dogg's video showing him pointing a toy gun at Donald Trump; Steven Colbert’s homophobic remarks about Trump and Putin; and Bill Maher’s incestuous tainted jokes about Trump and his daughter. Again, no real outrage by the left, the media, or any major Democratic leaders.
The fact that so many liberals and Democratic leaders refused to condemn the above actions and comments just goes to show that they tacitly support them and most important how out of touch they are with the values and decency of the American people.
They do it at their own peril.
There is evidence that Americans do care about decency and values. A few days ago, a Gallup poll found that Americans' ratings of U.S. moral values, negative throughout the years, have slipped to their lowest point in seven years with more than 81 percent rating the state of moral values in the U.S. as only fair or poor. The actions (or rather non actions) of Democrats and their allies as noted above are good examples of these declining values.
There is another question? Why have Republicans in Congress been relatively silent and failed to condemn such conduct on the floor of the Senate and House, or in press conferences, as Democrats would have done if someone had done a photo shoot with a caricature of Obama’s decapitated head, or made obscene jokes about him or his family.
Guess what would have happened to Griffin, Colbert, and Maher, if they had done the same thing in North Korea to Kim Jong-un. In all likelihood, they would never have been seen or heard from again.
As to Griffin being fired by CNN, just give it some time for the "fake furor" of many to wear off. Don’t be surprised if she winds up hosting the "Tony Awards," "Emmys," or "Oscars."
You can bet that Trump haters in the media, Democratic party and entertainment industry will find some way to reward her. "Good job Kathy. Don’t worry, we will cover you when this blows over."
There is no doubt in my mind that many of these purveyors of such hatred, vitriol and their many enablers and silent supporters in the media, political entertainment and academic establishments want no less than having some harm come to the president of the United States.
I hope the United States Secret Service is noticing.
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns. He is a former co-owner of WTVT-TV in Tampa and former president of the Florida Association of Broadcasters. Read more of his reports — Go Here Now.
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