It is an honor to stand with and other compassionate leaders in aiding young immigrants on our borders.
I was praying to God for these innocent children when a call from Glen Beck's office came, inviting me to join in a July 19 mission in McAllen, Texas. I was relieved. This "Macedonian call" in the midst of our current border crisis was an answer to a prayer.
The United States of America truly is.
In order to solve the immigration crisis confronting our nation, we first have to consider how to help these minors in need of food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention. Once we’ve done that, then we can deal with the rest.
Where to begin?
Consider, the United States gives billions of dollars in foreign aid each year; $13 billion in 2013. Of that $13 billion, Honduras received more than $82 million; Guatemala received more than $104 million; and El Salvador received over $66 million. That's more than $252 million.
Now, the millions in the 2014 budget could be redirected to provide immediate care for these children until a more permanent plan can be implemented.
Many of these children could even possibly be descendants of ancestors who migrated in and around the borders for many years. The Americas should always be home to the "huddled masses longing to be free."
We were once a beacon of love and hope to the world. Now we are seeking to slam our doors in the face of innocent children. What in the world happened? I'll tell you what happened. Politics happened, and the innocents are being swallowed up on the melee.
There has to be a compassionate and practical way of maintaining our borders. We just need to put the brakes on political strife and unite to save the children. Let's remember that these are human beings we're considering.
Today mammon, entitlement, and politics are causing too many Americans to be cold and heartless. Not only to these innocent children seeking sanctuary within our borders. Hearts are also cold to the babies in the womb, to the school drop outs, to the sadly incarcerated, to the weak, the sick, the hungry . . . need I go on?
There should be funding across the isles for assistance to all youth and children; mentoring programs, family assistance programs. Funding without the usual political entanglements. Human beings need genuine compassion and help.
As I wrote in my new book, King Rules, (Rule No. 7: Care for the Needy): "In our family, we care for the 'least of these.' We feed the hungry, clothe the sick, visit those in prison, and we do all that we can as servant leaders to serve God and minister to his people. Of course, from generation to generation, our methods of ministry have varied, and yet we still care about the poor the sick, the hungry, and the downtrodden."
Where will we get the funding to help those in need?
Instead of the government spending millions of dollars to pass legislation such as the HHS mandate that manipulates and threatens women's physical and emotional health by forcing insurance companies and employers to provide harmful chemical and surgical products to women, the government should be about the business of defunding America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
Those funds should be redirected toward saving lives rather than killing babies and injuring women.
Just think about it. Carcinogenic birth control can be as cheap as $9 a month. If women desire such products, many women can obtain $9 a month on their own without having to bear the burden of political haranguing and manipulations over dubious methods of birth control that are linked to breast and cervical cancer, strokes, heart attacks and other problems. Women are not lab rats.
We deserve better than a plight of being experimented on in the name of healthcare.
Let's face it; carcinogenic birth control is not healthcare. Neither is abortion. Both are linked to sickness and death. They are the face of the real war on women.
Dr. King with aid workers
So why is our government pushing the HHS mandate while allowing innocent children to gather on our borders? They are hoping that women are dumb sheep, fooled by the slick marketing of sex peddlers.
I call for an awakening of women power; power to choose life over death, to nurture family and future generations.
The millions of dollars the government is spending to strong arm this Obamacare HHS contraceptive mandate down unsuspecting women's throats could be used to feed, clothe and provide real healthcare to these children; at home and abroad.
The money would be better spent on stabilizing the economy and elevating the quality of life for men, women and children.
It’s ludicrous to put the management of the desire of people to engage in sexual activity over the welfare of innocent starving children. Not just these immigrant children but also our American children right here in our own communities.
Dr. Alveda C. King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is a pastoral associate and director of African-American outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala., was bombed, as was her father’s church office in Louisville, Ky. Alveda herself was jailed during the open housing movement. Read more reports from Dr. Alveda C. King — Click Here Now.
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