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5 Hollywood Movies That Got the Bible Right

By    |   Tuesday, 31 March 2015 02:53 PM EDT

Bible stories are beloved by many people. It is no wonder that they often become fodder for Hollywood movies. Not all directors and screenwriters take the time to get the Bible right. Christians, who know these stories well, are quick to point out the fallacies, and celebrate the shows that do it right.

Here are five movies that were well received by Christians who said they did justice to some of the best Bible stories:

1. The Ten Commandments (1956)
– This mainstay has been a favorite of Christians since the three hour, action packed Biblical epic came to life on the big screens in 1956. The Cecil B CeMille masterpiece staring Charlton Heston and Yule Brynner tells the story of the life of Moses. As Christian Answers reviewer Brett Willis explains, the movie does take some Hollywood shortcuts with scripture, but "the overall picture of the Israelites being delivered from Egypt by the hand of God is correct, and treated seriously and respectfully."

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2. The Passion of the Christ (2004)
– This well-received movie depicting the last days of Jesus was well received by Christians and lay audiences. The movie spends an extensive amount of time on the torture leading up to his death, and particularly appeals to Catholics. Roger Ebert reviewed this movie giving it four stars and recalling his own Catholic upbringing. "If it does nothing else, Gibson's film will break the tradition of turning Jesus and his disciples into neat, clean, well-barbered middle-class businessmen. They were poor men in a poor land."

3. Son of God (2014) – This movie does not get a gold star for creativity or passion, but does seem to get the Biblical basics of the life of Jesus in the right order. One reviewer on Christianity Today explains it is a fairly banal presentation of the facts. "Watching Son of God was not a dreadful experience, but it wasn't a particularly inspirational or entertaining one, either."

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4. The Gospel of John (2004)
– This movie is likely the most Biblically accurate screenplay of all time in that it actually uses the scripture of the Book of John as narrative. It also effectively uses good actors to tell the familiar story. Dr. Ben Witherington III noted on Christianity Today, "It all adds up to what I think is the best portrayal of Jesus ever offered in a feature length film."

5. The Nativity Story (2006)
– The Catholic News Service reported, "Hollywood finally gets it right." About the 2006 version of the birth of Jesus in a full length movie. The narrative drew from two gospel accounts and presents a memorable and artful rendition that addresses the cultural issues of the time.

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Bible stories are beloved by many people. It is no wonder that they often become fodder for Hollywood movies. Not all directors and screenwriters take the time to get the Bible right.
Bible Movies, Religion, Hollywood
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 02:53 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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