Most depression symptoms in adults include feeling of worthlessness, decreased vitality, decreased interest in life’s activities, unexplained aches and pains, overeating or under-eating, low libido, negative thoughts, sleep disturbance, and intense sadness. These symptoms manifest into muscular, neurological, or psychosomatic problems. The intensity of depression and symptoms are proportionate. The severity of symptoms indicates the severity of depression a person suffers.
Severe depression symptoms include disinterest in all aspects of life. The person may exhibit symptoms of psychosis like delusions and hallucinations, may suffer from insomnia in which they experience difficulty in getting back to sleep, may come across as extremely lethargic, or may get agitated easily.
One major cause of depression is anxiety. Depression and anxiety symptoms include excessive worry over daily affairs, life, or the future, and excessive fear and dread. Such people suffer restlessness, are tired, have excessive muscle tension, grind teeth, show irritability, and exhibit increased sweating, startling, or trembling hands. Depression and anxiety symptoms are not usually proportional to everyday life situations. Anxiety starts interfering in everyday activities like regular chores, school, office, social activities, and relationship with spouse and family.
Teenage depression symptoms, if ignored, can transform into severe depression symptoms. When a person suspects depression, they need to immediately seek medical help. The causes of depression may be chemical imbalance in the body that affects the nervous system or overall vitality, hormone imbalance like the TSH, estrogen, post-delivery changes in the body, and deficiency of vitamins and certain minerals like vitamin B12, iron, and vitamin C.
Certain types of depression are psychological in nature and may be helped by psychological counseling.
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