Calcium is an essential and abundant mineral which helps promote strong bones and teeth, and also protects from certain ailments.
Deficiency of this mineral causes various diseases and it is important to include a diet that is rich in calcium, along with foods that improve the absorption of calcium, as part of our daily intake.
There are various sources of calcium. These sources of calcium can be broadly classified as food, calcium supplements, and certain medicines such as antacids.
Calcium rich foods are the best sources of calcium. It is best if the calcium is taken from food, as food is the best natural source of it.
Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. Nuts, seeds, and pulses are also good sources of calcium, so are fruits and vegetables. Vegetables such as cabbage and kale are the best sources of calcium.
Lean meats, poultry, fish, and eggs are also good sources of calcium.
Milk and dairy products are some of the best food sources of calcium. These include milk, yogurt, and cheese. Broccoli helps to increase the intake of calcium, and is thus a very good source of calcium.
Certain foods such as fruit juices and drinks, cereals, and tofu, are fortified with calcium. These are also good sources of calcium.
Calcium supplements:
Calcium supplements may be prescribed for those suffering from bone related problems, or those showing signs of osteoporosis, or other ailments that are caused as a result of calcium deficiency. Calcium supplements offer a good source of calcium and help protect bones and teeth. Most commonly, calcium is present in supplements mainly in the form of carbonates and citrates. It is also present in supplements or certain fortified foods in the form of phosphates, gluconates, and lactates, to some extent.
Calcium is present in certain medications such as antacids as calcium carbonates in the form of chewable pills. Calcium carbonate, which is a good source of calcium, is an accepted form of a calcium supplement. Vitamin D helps improve the absorption of calcium in the body.
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