Donald Trump took a stab at surging GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, saying he couldn't handle the presidency with job-creating experience that extended to a "nurse or maybe two."
In an interview with
The Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein, the real estate mogul calls the retired pediatric neurosurgeon "a wonderful guy" and "a friend," but declared being president would be "very tough" on the renowned doctor.
"I think it's a very difficult situation that he'd be placed in," Trump tells Weinstein. "He's really a friend of mine, I just think it's a very difficult situation that he puts himself into, to have a doctor who wasn't creating jobs and would have a nurse or maybe two nurses."
"It's such a different world," Trump says, Weinstein writes. "I've created tens of thousands of jobs over the years."
Carson's stock has been
steadily rising since the first GOP debate on Aug. 6, with
Carson pulling even with Trump in Iowa in one poll.
But Trump tells Weinstein that it was just one poll and that he leads the field, including Carson, in other recent surveys.
Trump has also
questioned rival
Sen. Ted Cruz's eligibility for president because of his birth in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father.
But since then, "Cruz and Trump have since become something like BFFs on the campaign trail, refusing to criticize each other and even scheduled to appear together at an upcoming rally in Washington against the nuclear deal with Iran," Weisntein notes.
"Based on everything I see, there's no problem" with Cruz's eligibility, Trump tells Weinstein.
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