Former Alaska Gov. and GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin visited Newsmax Media headquarters on Wednesday in West Palm Beach, Fla., to help launch Newsmax’s “Make America Great Again” campaign and webcast.
Newsmax founder and CEO Christopher Ruddy organized the exclusive Web series, which will feature Palin and top political analysts from around the country discussing the values and policies that made America the "shining city on a hill" that President Ronald Reagan spoke of so often.
The charismatic Palin toured the Newsmax headquarters, taking time to shake hands and visit with Newsmax employees. Staffers were impressed that she wanted to know the name of each person she greeted. She also acknowledged personal touches, commenting, “Look at all those kids,” as she surveyed the collection of family photos on one worker’s desk.
Palin also appreciated Newsmax staffers' shout-outs of encouragement for one of her own kids: Bristol, in her quest to the win the "Dancing with the Stars" competition on ABC-TV. Palin, who calls her daughter "Bristol the Pistol," said the contest is providing a "sweet diversion."
Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy meets with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in his office.
Stopping for a TV interview outside the Newsmax building, Palin said, “It’s great to be here at Newsmax, I’m a big fan of this publication. But Florida — beautiful, wonderful, politics so interesting in this part of the country. You know, it’s never boring to tune in and find out what’s going on in Florida.”
It's no secret that Palin is an avid Newsmax reader. In November, she told Fox News host Sean Hannity that Newsmax is one of her primary sources for online news. On Wednesday, she again praised Newsmax and said she has the site bookmarked as one of her favorites.
The “Make America Great Again” webcast featuring Palin, a Fox News commentator and best-selling author, will air to a nationwide audience exclusively at The series begins on Oct. 12 and runs through Election Day.
“The Washington establishment has been stunned at the amazing success of Governor Palin’s endorsements in the primaries," Ruddy said, "but we know she has the kind of outside-the-Beltway conservative views and insights that our readers eagerly want to see and hear."
Acknowledging her firm leadership when she was governor of the 49th state, Ruddy said, "As the leader who stood up to Alaska's entrenched interests, enacted ethics reform, and pushed for domestic energy development, Palin knows what it's like to take heart-felt values into the arena of American politics, with all the slings and arrows that inevitably brings. That's what makes her an ideal participant in our 'Make America Great Again' webcast."
Palin's first book, "Going Rogue: An American Life," was a runaway New York Times best-seller. Her second book, "America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag," is scheduled to hit bookstores on Nov. 23.
Newsmax's “Make America Great Again” series will feature several special broadcasts hosted by political commentator Michael Reagan, son of President Reagan.

Palin prepares for interview with Michael Reagan
Joining Palin, Reagan, and Ruddy on the series will be Fox News analyst Dick Morris, as well as Grover Norquist, America's foremost anti-tax activist.
Former Christian Coalition President Ralph Reed will appear on the series as well, as will a powerful lineup of some of America's most informed and influential experts.
"We consider it a great opportunity to have someone of the stature of Governor Palin participate in our series on how to restore and preserve America's greatness," Ruddy said. "Accomplishing that task may begin with Americans like her and Michael Reagan. But the ultimate outcome of our efforts will depend on the choices made by voters in November."
You still can sign up for Newsmax’s exclusive webcast with Sarah Palin — Click Here Now.
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