Blueberry extract prevents gum disease, a common cause of tooth loss, a new study find.
Nearly half of adults in the U.S. have some form of gum disease, a condition that occurs when dental plaque forms on the gums.
In its mild form, gum disease is known as gingivitis, but it can progress to periodontitis, which has been linked to a variety of serious conditions, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
The study found that blueberry polyphenols fight one of the germs that leads to formation of dental plaque.
Canadian researchers tested polyphenol-rich extracts from the wild low bush blueberry against F. nucleatum, one of the primary bacteria that contributes to periodontitis.
Not only did the blueberry extract inhibit the growth of the germ, but it also blocked a molecular pathway to inflammation linked periodontitis.
The scientists are developing an oral device that slowly releases the extract after teeth cleaning to help treat periodontitis and reduce the need for antibiotics.
Their findings were published the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
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