An Internet poll sponsored by reveals that Americans overwhelmingly support Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to reduce the power of public employee unions in his state.
Participants in the poll, which drew more than 700,000 responses, also believe those unions have become too powerful, and say President Barack Obama was wrong when he came out against Gov. Walker.
The outcome of the battle in Wisconsin has implications for many other states, the federal government, President Obama and even the 2012 elections.
The poll is not scientific. But Newsmax will provide the results to major media outlets. Newsmax reports have been cited on media outlets such as CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, and MSNBC, as well as other other major networks.
Following are the poll questions and results. Percentages do not total 100 because of rounding:
1) Do you support Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to reduce the power of public employee unions in his state?
Yes, I support him: 74 percent
No, I don’t support him: 25 percent
2) Do you believe public employee unions have become too powerful?
Yes, too powerful: 75 percent
No, not too powerful: 24 percent
3) Do you believe public employee union members should be paid less, the same or more than employees with similar jobs in the private sector?
Pay them the same: 83 percent
Pay them less: 11 percent
Pay them more: 4 percent
4) Do you believe President Obama was right when he came out against Gov. Walker?
Obama was right: 24 percent
Obama was wrong: 75 percent
5) Do you plan on voting to re-elect President Obama in 2012?
Yes, re-elect: 18 percent
No, for another candidate: 74 percent
Not sure right now: 6 percent
You still can vote in the Newsmax poll — Click Here Now.
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