It may seem like an unlikely alliance: country girl from Alaska and city slicker from New York. But former Alaska Gov.
Sarah Palin and real estate mogul/reality TV star Donald Trump are getting along swimmingly,
The Hill reports.

The two bonded over the controversy about President Barack Obama’s place of birth. When Trump took heat for questioning whether Obama was born in the U.S. and urging him to release his full birth certificate, Palin defended him.
“Donald Trump is the one being really treated unfairly … in the press when they’re hammering him about the one issue,” she told Fox News. “He’s merely answering reporters’ questions about his view on the birth certificate.”
After Obama released the document, Palin gave Trump a shout-out on Twitter. “Media, admit it, Trump forced the issue,” she wrote.
Trump appreciated the support. Palin was “so gracious to me on the birther issue,” he told The Wall Street Journal. “I mean, she really thought that I was doing a great service.”
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