This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and hypocritical. When it comes to the mosque at ground zero, Obama is suddenly concerned with the Constitution. Why now?
This mosque will never be built. When you have the police, Mafia, Village People, and Harry Reid all aligned against it, it’s safe to say it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s also safe to say Obama just waded into the biggest mistake of his political career.
He just cemented his fate as a one-term president by ignoring the opinions of about 70 percent of 300 million common sense, deeply-offended Americans.
Let’s take a look a look at just a few of the cases where Obama has ignored or violated the Constitution as president:
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he threw the bondholders, shareholders, and secured creditors of GM and Chrysler under the bus so he could hand majority ownership to his union cronies that bankrupted and destroyed them in the first place.
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he passed universal healthcare and forced American citizens (with the help of 18,000 new IRS agents) to buy healthcare, pay a fine, or go to jail. And don’t forget the biggest beneficiaries of Obamacare — the trial lawyers. Obama made them billions by refusing to allow tort reform in the healthcare bill.
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he raised taxes on everyone to pay for universal healthcare, EXCEPT union employees. Obama has pledged to do everything in his power to save the union — the government employees union, even if it means violating the rights of every non-union employee and taxpayer in America.
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he asked the United States Justice Department to sue Arizona for simply enforcing U.S. immigration law. Obama broke the rule of law and violated the Constitution when he asked the United States Justice Department to sue Arizona for simply enforcing U.S. immigration law already on the books. Don’t forget who joined the side of Obama and the U.S. in the lawsuit versus one of our own states: Mexico. Here’s an idea. What Obama should have done instead is secure our borders and sue Mexico for the billions of dollars America’s taxpayers are forced to pay annually for the welfare, education, medical care, Medicare, and Social Security of Mexican citizens here illegally.
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he demanded a halt to an entire industry — offshore oil drilling — in response to the first accident in more than 40 years. So far two courts have overturned that ban. Eventually the Supreme Court will overturn it as well. But those violations of the Constitution, costing over100,000 jobs and bankrupting hundreds of oil industry and Main Street small businesses, never bothered Obama — not when his violations make his big campaign contributors in the environmental lobby happy and keep their wallets full.
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he bailed out banks and Wall Street firms with trillions of dollars of taxpayer money. What’s a little violation of the Constitution when you can reward your biggest campaign contributors on Wall Street? Or were you not aware that Sen. Obama was among the biggest beneficiaries of contributions from AIG, Goldman Sacks, and the banking industry?
- Obama didn’t care about the law or Constitution when he included a clause in the just-passed financial reform bill that mandates affirmative action when banks give out small business loans. Or, don’t you think forcing banks to loan shareholder’s money to one racial group, regardless of their assets, credit history, or ability to repay, might be a violation of the Constitution? But hey, what’s a little violation of the Constitution when you can reward one racial group that votes 90 percent for Obama with other people’s money?
All these violations of the U.S. Constitution didn’t bother Obama (a former Constitutional law professor), yet now when the issue involves Muslims building a mosque steps from ground zero, where 3,000 American heroes died, Obama suddenly cares about the Constitution?
Interesting how our fearless leader doesn’t hesitate to fleece or violate taxpayers, small business owners, corporations, shareholders, investors, secured creditors, States, and law-abiding Americans, but when the situation involves an issue or group he supports, suddenly the Constitution matters.
On Nov. 2 Obama, the entire Democratic Congress, and a record-setting number of incumbents of both parties, will find out how all this selective violation of the Constitution and the rights of certain Americans plays out with the (no longer so) silent majority of American taxpayers and voters.
Here’s my prediction: Obama’s larger-than-life ego is about to be violated in ways he cannot even imagine.
Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 libertarian vice presidential candidate. He writes for the Las Vegas Review Journal and is a regular guest on FOX News. His new book is entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” Please visit
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