Conservative thinker and best-selling author George Marlin tells Newsmax that President Barack Obama is the nation’s “narcissist in chief” due to his deeply ingrained elitist attitude. And Marlin says that ideological view has condemned Obama to failure.
Marlin served as executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey under New York Gov. George Pataki and was the Conservative Party’s candidate in the 1993 race for mayor in New York City.
Marlin is one of the country’s most influential conservatives. His columns have appeared in The New York Post, National Review, and publications around the nation. He also serves as chairman of the Philadelphia Trust Bank.
His just-released book is
“Narcissist Nation: Reflections of a Blue-State Conservative.”
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Marlin discusses the thought behind the book’s title. “This is a nation that has had its elites through its entire history, who believe they are superior to the rest and should be running things, that they should be the collective managers of America,” he says.
“We’ve seen it with the Federalists, with Alexander Hamilton, John Adams. But this generation of elitists I define as narcissists, and I think the narcissist in chief is the president of the United States. He is the classic example of narcissism running a nation — a nation he’s running into the ground at the moment.
“Obama uses the ‘I’ word more than all the presidents have used it collectively in the 200 and some-odd years of our nation. I think he was greatly influenced by [Vietnam-era radical and domestic terrorist] Bill Ayers, who introduced him to the elite, so-called intellectual world of Hyde Park, Chicago.
Story contiunes below.
“Mr. Obama is a man who really never had a job until he became president. He had adoring crowds in Hyde Park who would sit there and hang on every word. He basically lectured people and assumed that when he finished talking you were convinced that he was right.
“He grew up in his adult life in that elitist world where they believe each other’s bombastic and empty rhetoric and think they have the answers to all the questions, the secret knowledge to run the world.”
Before running for public office, Obama worked as a community organizer, and “community organizers don’t do much. They sit and talk all day long,” Marlin says.
“So all his life he just talked, and that’s why as president he prefers to be disappearing from the White House, talking a lot, using the ‘I’ word, playing golf, because he’s not used to sitting behind a desk, being an executive and making executive decisions. That’s why he’s deferred so much to the Congress and let them make the disastrous decisions we’ve had. He’s a classic elitist.”
Asked if Obama could ever break out of that mindset, Marlin responds: “I think he is incapable of it. He thinks he can take an ideological square and put it into a circle. I don’t think he’s capable of making the leap to some practical solutions that can help get the jobs market going, get this economy going. I think he’s condemned to failure by his own ideological chains.”
Marlin writes in his book that the narcissist elite use Lincoln’s expression “government by the people” as a slogan to “humor the masses.”
He explains: “If you look at the extreme left elites, they really don’t have much use for democracy anymore because they’re afraid people will not vote their way. So they bite away at the democratic process by imposing upon us a managerial state where agencies and bureaucracies basically rule things by going around the ballot box.
“The most dangerous thing the Obama administration is doing is filling up government agencies all over the United States with like-minded people who will be running the administrative state. What Obama cannot get done through the Congress, through a democratically elected Congress, he’s trying to do administratively.”
As to who might be the biggest narcissist in Congress, Marlin opined: “I think Nancy Pelosi, being a San Francisco elitist, personifies that. This is a classic ideologue who is not interested in the practicality or the cost of a program, or its impact. It’s, ‘Let’s take our abstract formulas, let’s implement them, and worry about the impact later.’ I think she is the poster child for narcissism in Congress.”
The cover of Marlin’s new book features a caricature of President Obama staring lovingly at his own reflection in a pool of water below the Lincoln Memorial. Marlin says the image is “quite appropriate.”
Note: Get your copy of George Marlin’s “Narcissist Nation: Reflections of a Blue-State Conservative” at a great price, Click Here.
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