Talk show host Rush Limbaugh urged listeners Wednesday to send donations to Christine O’Donnell, the tea party insurgent who scored an upset victory Tuesday night in the Delaware GOP senate primary.
When a caller told Rush he’d been trying to donate to O’Donnell through her website, Limbaugh blasted the GOP establishment for saying that O’Donnell would not get party backing. By mid-afternoon though, Sen. John Cornyn, who heads Republican senate campaign efforts, said O’Donnell would get financial backing.
”I started pondering this last night when the first words started leaking out there that the Republican Senate campaign committee was in such a snit over this that they weren't gonna fund her,” Limbaugh said. “That was actually a news story. I think it was Politico or somebody and because it came from the liberal media complex, people bought it, thought there was something to it. I said, ‘Well, okay, fine, if that's the way they want to play it, if they want to be a snit here and say, 'Okay, Christine, you're on your own. Tea Party, you're on your own, you got yourselves there.’
“It was on Fox, too. When that story hit, people believed it. I think

Republicans need to ask themselves why did people believe that story? It turns out Cornyn is out today saying, "Oh, no, no, no, of course we'll fund her, O'Donnell. We fund all Republican nominees." But last night when the news was that Republicans (raspberry) to O'Donnell, you're on your own, people believed it. So I said, Hmm, may not matter. I wonder if I just haphazardly suggest to everybody in this audience send her a buck, how much money could she raise. And apparently now you can't get onto her website to donate. He-he-he-he-he-he-he.”
Limbaugh continued: “When the news got out last night a lot of people had the same reaction you did, and so they knew that they would be defunded. They knew if they didn't fund here they'd be defunding themselves. They knew nobody gonna send them a dime if they don't help her. So whatever happened -- they saw the light, saw the revolt, what have you -- they're gonna send her the money. Jim DeMint is gonna get active behind her; Mitt Romney's come out and endorsed her. Whatever the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee does we'll have to see. Whatever they do, you know they're going to hold their nose to do it. Whatever they do.”
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