Newsmax is Number One!
More than 51 million visitors tune in to conservative Web sites each month, according to Nielsen Online, and is ranked first as the most popular site in America.
Newsmax tops a large and growing list of conservative sites, with Rush Limbaugh’s popular taking the second spot. Limbaugh is the nation’s most-listened-to talk radio host.
Of all Internet sites Nielsen ranks in the United States, Newsmax is the 12th-most-popular Web location focusing on news and politics. Among identified Republicans, it ranks No. 2.
The Nielsen results are part of the Winter 2010 “At Plan,” a demographic survey the ratings company takes four times each year.
The demographic study also offers some interesting insights into Newsmax readers. Newsmax packs a powerful punch when it comes to affluent readers, ranking No. 5 overall for all Web sites in visitors with a portfolio of $500,000 or more, and No. 5 in visitors who own a second home, Nielsen reports.
And Newsmax readers include many entrepreneurs, as the site ranks 12th in Web visitors who are self-employed.
Although Nielsen figures indicate that significant numbers of Newsmax readers are financially well off, its readers share many of the same traits and tastes as the ordinary Joe and might be described best with the title of the best-selling book “The Millionaire Next Door.” Despite their wealth, Newsmax readers are modest, and they prefer casual restaurants, such as Olive Garden, Cracker Barrel, and IHOP, according to Nielsen.
And no surprise here: Newsmax readers are ardent fans of Fox News: Its Web site ranks No. 3 among those who have watched Fox in the past week.
Newsmax is a powerful brand achieving remarkable success. Founded in 1998 by journalist Christopher Ruddy, ranks consistently as one of the country’s most-trafficked news Web sites, with more than 3 million unique visitors a month. Newsmax also publishes a financial news Web site,; a health site,; and an international news site,
Its monthly print magazine, Newsmax, is soaring, with its circulation more than tripling during the past year to a readership well over 800,000. The company also has more than 2 million opt-in e-mail subscribers. The company also publishes several financial newsletters and health newsletters.
In all, Newsmax estimates it reaches about 6 million Americans each month.
Opinion makers frequently cite the magazine and the Web site. When Fox News’ Sean Hannity asked former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin what she reads regularly, she listed Newsmax first and later described its news as “very valuable.”
Other conservative and Republican leaders are turning to Newsmax as the “go-to” place to make sure their views are publicized widely. For example, after the 2008 election, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush gave his first interview assessing the results to Newsmax. When former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee faced his recent commutation controversy, he issued his statement first and exclusively to Newsmax.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s exclusive story on a new 2010 Contract with America will be featured on the cover on Newsmax magazine’s February edition.
Newsmax also has a history of breaking stories. As recently as Jan. 4, major media outlets widely reported on Newsmax’s exclusive report by its chief Washington correspondent, Ronald Kessler, that a third person had crashed the recent White House state dinner.
“We owe our success to our readers,” Newsmax CEO Ruddy said. “We provide the news and perspective, but they provide us with their loyalty. We at Newsmax don’t forget that. Never.”
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