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Palin Slams NBC for Not Airing Her Side of Story

Tuesday, 01 June 2010 08:06 PM EDT

Sarah Palin slammed NBC Tuesday over a "Today" show interview segment with Joe McGinniss, the author of a forthcoming biography on Palin, because the network didn’t include a statement from her it promised to air.

McGinniss has stirred up much attention for moving in the house next door to Palin’s home. She’s responded by putting a huge fence to block his view and likening his tactics to those of a stalker.

Palin wrote on Facebook that the NBC segment offered the "most recent illustration of the untrustworthiness of America's mainstream media,” according to Yahoo! News.

Palin wrote that she and husband Todd exchanged emails with NBC, which was planning to interview McGinniss. Although Palin declined to be interviewed, she said that the network "asked for a statement from us and promised to run it as a full screen graphic during their interview with McGinniss." So both she and Todd Palin both emailed these statements:

"McGinniss has followed us for some time now, from showing up on our doorstep last winter, bidding over $60,000 for a military charity auction dinner with me, writing the hit pieces, attending at least one Outside book event, etc. He has a right to pursue his subject, I suppose, and certainly has a right to live wherever he wants, but my family also has a right to expect privacy, and hopefully to enjoy peace this summer. Good fences do make for good neighbors. The fence is now up, and I hope that we can enjoy peace. The media sensationalizes the recent McGinniss' tactic so the public will tune in to whatever the latest episode is, always with ratings in mind, and that's unfortunate." —Sarah Palin

"What's also unfortunate is journalists' tactics like this, because it keeps good people from wanting to get involved in public service." —Todd Palin

But the statements weren't a part of it of the nine-minute long segment with McGinniss, who likened Palin’s Facebook statements to Nazi tactics.
Palin said she's been told by NBC that "Today" will run the statements tomorrow.

An NBC spokeswoman confirmed to Yahoo! News that the Palins' comments will run on Wednesday's show. "We were unable to run them this morning due to a timing issue," she said.


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Sarah Palin slammed NBC Tuesday over a Today show interview segment with Joe McGinniss, the author of a forthcoming biography on Palin, because the network didn t include a statement from her it promised to air. McGinniss has stirred up much attention for moving in the...
Tuesday, 01 June 2010 08:06 PM
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