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Immigration Bias in the News Media

By    |   Friday, 08 February 2013 03:15 PM EST

Print and Internet news readers, at least those capable of discerning preconceived bias, are dealt a daily bofetada (slap in the face) by the liberal news media.
In contrast, the undiscerning electorate is putty in the hands of those who cite polls based upon loaded questions that elicit a desired answer and perpetuate bias.
Thus far in 2013, the liberal news media has cited as major news stories such trivia as whether or not the pop-singer Beyonce’s singing at the Obama inaugural was lip-synced. Inane entertainment now defines the nation’s attention span, which the recent election tends to verify.
Most Obama voters have little comprehension of Obama policies, except for those pertaining to their insular concerns: for single women, apparently it’s contraception; for Hispanics, it’s open borders; for young people, it’s denial of depressing finances; and for blacks, it’s blind loyalty. National solvency, national sovereignty, and national security no longer evoke concern.
Radio commentators join print news and TV editorial writers, reporters, and columnists in refusing to acknowledge that foreign criminals are over-running U.S. cities, towns, national parks, and forests, as more than a million illegal-alien, gun-slinging gangsters swagger about the country with impunity.
This sad state of affairs is documented willingly or unwillingly by a potpourri of news accounts:
  • The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in November 2012 carried a story entitled, “Mexican pot growers infiltrate forest in Wis.” The story described damage to the environment by pot-growing guards and noted, “Heavily armed drug traffickers from Mexico are using the only national forest in Wisconsin as their personal farms and greenhouses, growing millions of dollars in marijuana . . .” Many national and state forests and parks have been controlled for years, in whole or in part, by Mexican Drug Cartels (MDC) with little environmentalist outrage and limited news media coverage.
  • The Sarasota Herald-Tribune(Florida)on December 23, 2012, had a lead story on a Honduran refugee who arrived in the United States in 1998 and then had a massive stroke in 2012. The story indicated that the man, who still speaks no English, has a work permit, a visa, and is a refugee — making for a rather confused immigration status.
  • The Chicago Tribune carries daily reports on killings in the Windy City, killings that totaled 506 in 2012 among thousands of shootings. Meanwhile, Chicago Democrats led by Mayor Rahm Emanuel suggest that the remedy is to take guns away not from criminals, many in the country illegally, but from law-abiding U.S. citizens.    
  • National Public Radio (NPR), on January 7, 2013, surprisingly reported that the vast majority of homicides in the United States take place in African-American and Latino communities. Meanwhile, local papers in high murder-count cities choose to downplay the numbers.
  • The Washington Times, on January 9, 2013, cited Government Accountability Office report GAO-13-25 that finds the U.S. Border Patrol intercepting only 61 percent of illegal border-crossers along the Southern Border, as their numbers spike again.  
  • The Daily Mail (UK) on January 13, 2013, quoted several small California newspapers on the existence of a “maternity hotel” that charges pregnant citizens of China a fee of $20,000 to come to California for the birth of their children, who then qualify as U.S. citizens. Larger newspapers remained silent on the subject. 
  • The Washington Post, on January 17, 2013, reported that Governor Martin O’Malley, D-Md., was pushing for same-day voter registration and voting for all residents, giving non-citizens the vote. The article inspired no editorial comment.
  • The U.S. Inspector General of Health and Human Services (HHS), in January 2013, issued Report A-07-12-01116, stating that $91.6 million of Medicare claims were paid to illegal aliens between 2009 and 2011. The U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reports that Obamacare will cost $2 trillion over the next decade; yet the Obama administration passes out notices to immigrants on how to apply for benefits including Obamacare. A conspiracy of silence pervades the news medi
  • The azcentral.comwebsite on January 29, 2013, carried an interview with a Mexican-born man residing in the United States. The website chose not to identify the U.S. immigration status of the man, who declared that Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) should be revamped to give priority to U.S. citizenship and family reunification for all immigrants regardless of their current status. 
  • Congressman John Conyers, D-Mich., ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, at a committee hearing on February 5, 2013, said he hoped no one would use the term “illegal immigrant.” He then went on to say, “Our citizens are not, the people of this country are not illegal. They are out of status. They are new Americans that are immigrants.” Conyers reinforces the mind-set of Obama and the Democrats that U.S. national sovereignty be damned.
As a liberal guardian of political correctness, Congressman Conyers joins the mainstream U.S. news media in manipulating the unthinking masses that formed the majority of those who showed up at the polls in 2012. The recent election paid testimony to their success.
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.


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Print and Internet news readers, at least those capable of discerning preconceived bias, are dealt a daily bofetada (slap in the face) by the liberal news media.
Friday, 08 February 2013 03:15 PM
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