You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people
some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
––Attributed to Abraham Lincoln and/or P.T. Barnum
Are “the people” to believe that the illegal alien population in the United States is on the decline? The Pew Hispanic Center, an allegedly nonpartisan think-tank in Washington, D.C., has issued a study, dated Sept. 1, 2010, that reports a drop in the number of “unauthorized immigrants” (illegal aliens) now residing in the United States. The study estimates that the total has dropped to 11.1 million in 2009 from a peak of 12 million “unauthorized immigrants” in March 2007.
Based on U.S. Census and government statistics, the Pew study echoes the findings of a study released in February 2010 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Pew study, however, cautions readers that numbers are questionable due to Census Bureau “methodological changes."
Unfortunately, federal government estimates of illegal alien numbers tend to rely on flawed data based on erroneous assumptions. Flawed in one is flawed in all.
Contrary to the Pew study, the downturn in the U.S. economy has not stopped the flow of illegal aliens across the southwest border. The only “change” is that illegal aliens who once came for jobs now come for social and health entitlements.
The Pew study projections, however, are timely for the White House, where the Obama administration welcomes any report of a reduction in “unauthorized immigrants,” no matter its validity. Lower numbers aid Obamigration in claiming that fewer “immigrants” will mean lower costs of amnesty, thus hoping to pacify concerned U.S. taxpayers.
Reports of reduced numbers of illegal border-crossers also support the Obama administration claims that its border security efforts are working. These claims, however, are at odds with the federal government designation of parts of the southwest border as “too dangerous” for U.S. Border Patrol agents to cover.
Drug- and human-smuggling gangs have free reign 100 miles north of the border, even impacting I-8, a major interstate thoroughfare. Violent crimes committed by illegal alien gangs are going unsolved, while the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) chooses to sue a victim of these crimes — the state of Arizona.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is running the DOJ as potentially the most political and vengeful in the Republic’s history. Holder’s attacks on Arizona, its governor, its school system, its state legislature, and its law enforcement officers show contempt for the will of "the people."
In turn, “the people” need to scrutinize the DOJ, which is shaping up to be the administration’s thought police. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), long revered by “the people,” now appears to be serving as a political arm of the White House.
Rivaling the DOJ is the DHS directed by Secretary Janet Napolitano. An April 2009 DHS report was entitled “Right-wing Extremists: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”
The report concluded that adherents of right-wing extremism in the United States are hate-oriented, anti-government, and “dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.” The report also held as suspect gun-rights supporters and military veterans.
The Obama administration early on created DHS Fusion Centers located across the nation purportedly to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in sharing intelligence and thwarting terrorism such as the 9/11 attacks.
Instead these Fusion Centers have become mechanisms for domestic spying, political chicanery, and labeling as suspect those who support enforcement of existing U.S. immigration laws. Secretary Napolitano stands by DHS reports that question the patriotism of U.S. citizens who question Obama's policies.
Meanwhile Islamist terrorists are treated with increasing sensitivity. Secretary Napolitano is unconvincing in her claim such DHS actions are meant only as a guide.
Meanwhile, many announcements by federal agencies appear to be originating in the White House war room, with the input of radical left groups, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Center for American Progress. These groups are leading advocates of open borders and amnesty for all.
The Obama administration would reshape U.S. immigration as a transnational right, which is not surprising with a president who was touted by the German press as a “citizen of the world.” Amnesty was the Obama campaign promise that won him the Hispanic vote. Whether he achieves it by federal legislation or executive policy, unauthorized-immigrant advocates are holding him to that promise.
In laying the groundwork for amnesty, the Obama administration claims that the southwest border is “as secure as it’s been in 20 years.” If based on border apprehensions, such claims are fallacious.
Current apprehensions at the border may well be down to 1990 levels, but the explanation is not fewer border crossers, but more U.S. Border Patrol agents detailed to offices miles from these “too dangerous” borderlands.
The president excels at campaign-style rhetoric but falls short on fooling “all of the people” that his administration is as transparent or moderate as promised.
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