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Hillary Praised Muslim Brotherhood

Hillary Praised Muslim Brotherhood

Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with then Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, Egypt (July 14, 2012). (Maya Alleruzzo/AP)

Joseph E. Schmitz By Friday, 14 October 2016 02:27 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

No wonder President el-Sisi of Egypt endorsed, for all practical purposes, Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton after meeting separately with them both last month in New York. For years, Hillary Clinton has been in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt and other predominantly Muslim countries recently declared an international terrorist organization.

Yesterday, veteran national security reporter Bill Gertz broke a news story about Clinton’s collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood, describing newly released talking points for Hillary Clinton’s meeting in July 2012, two months before the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, with the newly-elected Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi.The first listed “Key Objective” in these highly-redacted, formerly “Secret” talking points, was to “Offer our congratulations to Morsi and to the Egyptian people for this milestone in Egypt’s transition to democracy.”

According to another recently-released State Department document, even after the Sep. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, Hillary Clinton’s deputy secretary of state wrote a letter to the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, concluding, “As I said when we met, the United States also remains committed to helping Egypt address regional issues, including Syria and Iran.” 

Perhaps the biggest bombshell in Bill Gertz’ new Hillary Clinton-Muslim Brotherhood exposé is this: “The CIA also covertly backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, according to Egyptian news outlets. In December 2013, the news website Al Bashayer published audio recordings of a CIA delegation that met with Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Khairat al-Shatir and Brotherhood official Isam al Haddad at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on Jan. 8, 2013.  . . . The CIA asked the Muslim Brotherhood leaders to open a back channel to al-Qaida ‘to secure the safe exit of U.S. troops’ from Afghanistan.”

The Muslim Brotherhood’s motto since its founding in 1928 has been, “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our Leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the path of Allah is our highest hope.” In September 2010, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Supreme Guide” declared jihad against the United States and Israel, six months before the so-called "Arab Spring."

This same Arab Spring led to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's diplomatic disasters in Egypt, Libya, and Syria — while she carried out President Obama's PSD-11 directive.

In a September 2010 sermon, as translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Supreme Guide” Mohammed Badie called for jihad against “the Muslim’s real enemies, not only Israel but also the United States. Waging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.”

In declaring holy war against the United States and Israel, Supreme Guide Badie announced that all Muslims “crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”

According to a June 18, 2014, Gulf News article, “revelations [about PSD-11] were made by Al Hewar centre in Washington, D.C., which obtained the documents in question . . . Through an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, thousands of pages of documentation of the U.S. State Department’s dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood are in the process of being declassified and released to the public.”

“To this day, PSD-11 remains classified, in part because it reveals an embarrassingly naïve and uninformed view of trends in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region,” reported Gulf News in 2014.

Two years later, the State Department is still stonewalling the release of the same redacted copy of PSD-11, which according to Gulf News described President Obama’s "ordering an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood and other 'political Islamist' movements, including the ruling AKP in Turkey, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting 'stability' in the Middle East and North Africa (that is, support for 'stable regimes' even if they were authoritarian), to a policy of backing 'moderate' Islamic political movements."

In light of the 2010 declaration of jihad by the Muslim Brotherhood against the United States and Israel, the subsequent manifestations of PSD-11 on Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state speak for themselves. Two months before the deadly attack next door in Benghazi, Libya, Hillary Clinton travelled to Cairo, Egypt, to “offer our congratulations” to the newly elected Muslim Brotherhood president, “for this milestone in Egypt’s transition to democracy.”

Speaking of transitions, why shouldn't the American voters, before they elect their next commander in chief, be able to see in broad daylight PSD-11, at least in the same redacted form that was shared two years ago with a middle eastern news outlet?

Joseph E. Schmitz is a foreign policy and national security adviser to Donald Trump. He served as Inspector General of the Department of Defense from 2002-2005, and is now a partner in the law firm, Schmitz & Socarras LLP. Read more reports from Joseph E. Schmitz — Click Here Now.




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Reporter Bill Gertz broke a story about Clinton’s collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood, describing newly released talking points for Hillary Clinton’s meeting in July 2012, two months before the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Benghazi, with the newly-elected president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi.
brotherhood, egypt, gertz, muslim
Friday, 14 October 2016 02:27 PM
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