The revelations yesterday that the National Security Agency (NSA) under the Obama administration had been systematically spying on hundreds of millions of Americans under Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act comes as no surprise.
Indeed, Freedom Watch and I had already obtained two preliminary injunction orders ordering this stop in a case styled Klayman et. al v. Obama et al., which I had filed in 2013 before the federal court in the District of Columbia. The judge, the Honorable Richard J. Leon, ruled that this spying was illegal, that it is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution, which the Framers had conceived of to prevent "unreasonable searches and seizures" of our citizenry, the likes of which the colonialists had experienced under the tyrannical rule of King George III. This gross abuse was one of the principle reasons why the Founding Fathers declared independence and formed a new nation on July 4, 1776. (See "Obama Intel Agency Conducted Illegal Searches on Americans for Years," Circa News, May 24, 2017.)
This further confirmation of the Orwellian state — as Judge Leon put it in ruling in my favor in what perhaps is the biggest victory against the federal government in many decades, and perhaps the biggest in American history given the heretofore unbridled power of the NSA and its sister intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) — came as no surprise. But what is surprising is the scant attention paid in the mainstream media to this gross invasion of the privacy rights of the populace and the cover-up by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees on Capitol Hill of these on-going crimes against all of us.
Indeed, in the last several months I have waged a full court press to have these committees obtain the 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of classified information which my client, Dennis Montgomery, a former NSA/CIA contractor had provided over two years ago, under grant of immunity, provided to FBI Director James Comey and his Special Agents, Walter Giardina and William Barnett of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Montgomery, who possessed information about spying on President Trump prior The Donald’s election, and who disclosed spying on the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other SCOTUS justices such as Antonin Scalia, 156 judges, and other prominent Americans such as yours truly, offered to come forward to not just the congressional intel committees, but also the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, since the judiciary was victimized. But, despite my "door to door" lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill, as had occurred years ago before I met Montgomery when my client tried to come forward as a whistleblower, no one in our Congress was interested.
And, why is this? The simple answer is twofold: one, either the congressmen and senators on these oversight committees already had knowledge of this criminal conduct, or two, they are too afraid to weigh in and conduct investigations for fear that information obtained illegally by the intelligence agencies about them will fly out of so called files to attempt to destroy their personal and political lives, much as has occurred with Lt. General Michael Flynn and recently even the president himself. In essence, based on my experience, I believe that both scenarios apply.
While it is nice that this new information has come to light, nicety is not enough. There exists a massive government-wide cover-up of the full extent of the unconstitutional spying on all of us, and indeed we live in a tyrannical police state as a result. As I have said many times, if King George III had had the surveillance powers of the NSA and CIA, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, and their colleagues in the Continental Congress, would never have made it to Philadelphia to advocate for, agree on, and sign the Declaration of Independence. Their plans to form a new nation, free from the tyranny of the British Crown, would have been discovered and they would have been arrested, imprisoned, and executed before they convened in the City of Brotherly Love.
The time as come for we Americans to rise up and demand that those responsible for these on-going crimes against the Constitution and the citizenry be held to account before the bar of justice. That goes for former President Barack Obama, the heads of the intelligence agencies who perpetrated these criminal acts, and those in Congress and the FBI, including one James Comey, who covered it all up.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller must be authorized by the Trump Justice Department to investigate these matters before a grand jury, and in the end bring indictments. To this end, my public interest group, which already has demonstrated its resolve and success, pledges to work with the Special Counsel to restore our God given constitutional rights to be secure in our person and property. And, if my offer falls on deaf ears, then peacefully and legally We the People must again wage a revolution, to restore the visions of our Founding Fathers. We have no choice if the republic is to survive.
To join our revolution, go to
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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