My wife and I once lived near a railroad crossing where every night around 2 a.m., bells clanged, lights flashed, and the passing train loudly blew its horn.
This might have saved a few drivers' lives, but we will never know how many nearby died of heart attacks, cancer or other ills because of sleep loss and stress they suffered from this shattering of the night.
Likewise, we will never know for certain how many people Obamacare inadvertently kills, but we certainly know that it, too, has become a major source of stress and is therefore hazardous to America's health.
The individual cases beginning to appear in the press are chilling. An aging couple, both with severe cancer, reportedly saw their existing insurance canceled because of Obamacare rules, then learned that their only permitted alternative coverage cost at least twice as much — more than $40,000 each year.
President Barack Obama won two elections and law passage by promising that all could choose to keep their existing insurance. Now we learn not only that this was untrue, but also that Obama apparently knew three years ago that at least 14 million Americans would lose their policies under his Un-Affordable Care Act.
Others may keep their "grandfathered" employer plans a bit longer. A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, however, now warns that as many as 93 million such healthcare plans will be disappearing if insurance companies make even tiny modifications in them.
The lever forcing this transition from free market to Obamacare coverage, and then from Obamacare to the outright socialized medicine called single payer that Obama said he prefers, is mandates.
To have an acceptable, approved Obamacare policy, a 60-year-old widower must pay the higher cost of a policy that covers pregnancy and nursing care. A 58-year-old widow must pay more for a one-size-shafts-all policy that covers prostate treatments.
Obamacare pretends that people can keep their old insurance so long as it does not change by a single jot or tittle . . . so long as it provides the "superior" minimum coverage Obamacare mandates.
Obamacare mandates for maternity, prostate, and many other kinds of care, however, all impose higher costs that force insurance companies to re-price their policies — a change that means the policies are no longer grandfathered in, and that forces most people to turn to Obamacare and to insurance that in many cases costs much more than their previous policies.
Such mandates destroy the old individualized healthcare. They turn Obamacare into a huge wealth redistribution tool that forces the elderly, for example, to pay the maternity costs of the young.
And above all, as Craig R. Smith and I argue in our new book
"The Great Withdrawal,"
it gives progressive ideologues the power of life and death over all of us.
Obamacare's financing is designed to require healthy young people to pay much higher health insurance costs to cover the needs of the ill and elderly.
Why, then, we logically ask, did Obama include a provision letting young people stay on their parents' insurance until age 26? Does this not reduce the number who will sign up to pay two or three times higher health insurance premiums for Obamacare?
Yes, we are told, but we have a record 21.6 million young millennials still living at home with Mom and Dad because good jobs are now hard to find in our anemic economy because Obamacare rules have deterred companies from hiring full-time workers.
By imposing vastly higher health insurance costs on the population, Obamacare is diverting consumer dollars that could have been used to buy goods and services, hire, and pull us out of business fear and uncertainty caused by this anti-capitalist
Under today's economic Obamalaise, tens of millions of Americans unable to find full-time jobs have just barely kept their heads above water. Now Obamacare pulls them under water with mandated health insurance costs often thousands of dollars more per year than they had been paying.
Obamacare is drowning such families — yet another source of health-destroying stress and anxiety. Do Democrats not understand that Obamacare is killing people via stress-induced heart attacks and cancers?
Obamacare may be killing more Americans than it cures.
Lowell Ponte is co-author, with Craig R. Smith, of "Crashing the Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse"; "The Inflation Deception: Six Ways Government Tricks Us . . . And Seven Ways to Stop It"; and "Re-Making Money: Ways to Restore America's Optimistic Golden Age." His new book is "The Great Debasement: The 100-Year Dying of the Dollar and How to Get America's Money Back." Read more reports from Lowell Ponte — Click Here Now.
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