Part of my job as a mental health professional is to observe human behavior. It helps me in my daily practice counseling clients, and it helps explain things that I see in the world.
In spite of my over 30 years as a psychotherapist, one thing still puzzles me: I am genuinely confused by many of my friends’ and associates’ unwavering dedication to the liberal — better defined as leftist — agenda, particularly in this upcoming election.
My apparently well-meaning friends stand unequivocally behind the rights and equality of women. A virtuous commitment, to be sure. So why do these same people so blindly support Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who welcome hundreds of thousands of Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees, while their government and religious leaders burn women alive, refuse to allow them to drive and gleefully rape them, knowing their Islamic law provides little or no recourse?
Even the terrorists themselves have laughingly warned us that these “refugees” will certainly include Islamic extremists, gaining entry into the United States to do what they have already done in France, Germany, and elsewhere.
Isn’t there a big contradiction here?
Progressives who voted for “change” four and eight years ago strongly support the rights of our gay and lesbian friends, relatives, sons, and daughters.
Another lofty and enlightened position.
So why do these very same liberals rabidly defend Barack, Hillary and their ilk as they repeatedly excuse and even celebrate Islam — a religion whose clerics throw a 15-year-old boy off a roof because he was gay? Or hanging young man after young man in public for their sexual orientation?
You can’t have it both ways — something else is at work here.
This list could go on forever, because the draconian laws of Islam are counter to just about everything our self-described progressive friends support. I can only draw on my years of experience and education to explain this otherwise inexplicable contradiction between what Obama/Clinton Democrats supposedly believe, and what they actually do.
There is a psychological syndrome called Folie à deux that is well-documented in the textbooks used in mental health education. The term is defined as “a psychotic disorder or delusion shared by two people in close association.”
In this particular election year, the syndrome is actually more like Folie Ă plusiers; a psychotic disorder or delusion shared by a group of people.
What else could explain otherwise well-meaning voters who embrace the likes of career politicians who rush to welcome Islamic extremists who despise everything those liberals stand for?
Mental disorder or not, the fact is clear that their blind devotion to these “refugees” will bring the burnings, the stonings, and the atrocities committed in the name of religion into the heartland of the United States.
This malady is so deeply entrenched in the Democratic and leftist psyche that they cannot be convinced otherwise, as they devoutly listen to MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and other apologists for those who would destroy this country in order to ensure their ongoing power.
Folie à plusiers refers to shared delusions. Delusions are false beliefs. People reinforce false beliefs by stating them over and over to each other. “That Donald Trump. He’s a racist!” Have they read any of his books, or listened to even one of his speeches? “Why would I? He’s a racist,” they angrily respond. This is circular reasoning, and circular reasoning breeds insanity.
They don’t just do it with Donald Trump, either.
They did it with George W. Bush and Mitt Romney as well.
These Democrats are harder on Republicans than they permit Republicans to be on Islam — the religion of subjugating women and throwing gays off of buildings.
How can they excuse that?!
When you tell yourself something untrue over and over again, you start to believe it. When you’re progressive, and your friends tell you the same thing over and over again, it’s even easier to believe it. That’s because progressive thinking is not based on reality or reason. It’s based on emotion and group-think.
It’s impossible to persuade people that they’re wrong when they greet logic and proven facts with unbridled hostility. The vast majority of progressives “argue” their points with name calling and attacks, the most common one being “racist.” End of discussion.
“Racist” has become the magic incantation propping up the shared delusions and evasions of so many leftists who call themselves “progressive.”
It was sad to watch a majority of Americans succumb to this syndrome by electing Barack Obama twice. And look at the disastrous and divisive results! We cannot afford to let that happen again by putting Hillary Clinton in charge of our government and military. Could it actually be this mental disorder?
We can’t know that for sure, of course. But either way we’re literally killing ourselves.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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