Why do blacks continue to vote in droves for the Democratic nominee?
Donald Trump predicted that he would win "over 95 percent" of the African-American vote in 2020 because the Republican nominee "recognizes that he's not going to get a lot of those votes the first time around" in November 2016, surrogate Ben Carson said on Saturday. "But if he gets into office and creates the programs, he will," the retired pediatric neurosurgeon told Uma Pemmaraju at Fox News.
What kind of programs do blacks need? Trump has not yet been specific.
But the only rational answer is, economic freedom. Blacks — like everyone of any race —need an economic program of unregulated, undiluted capitalism. As a group, African-Americans need unhampered capitalism more desperately than anyone, because as a group, they have never yet been able to benefit from it.
We never had true free-market capitalism in America. We came closest to that from the 1800s into the early 1900s, but at that time blacks were either in slavery or barely able to stretch their wings after slavery ended, particularly in the Jim Crow South.
All human beings benefit from the ability to become upwardly mobile.
Capitalism and free markets are the only ways to provide economic mobility. Nobody advances under socialism or welfare-state dependence, at least nobody other than the politically connected (like the Clintons and other self-proclaimed czars throughout history).
After more than five decades of federal social welfare policies, blacks, on the whole, have not become upwardly mobile, particularly in the inner cities.
Why? Because they’re inferior? Of course not.
It’s because our welfare state policies treat them as inferior. Our policies tell them, “You can’t make it on your own. You must have government help to survive. Anyone who challenges this idea will be labeled a racist.
Sign here. Get a welfare check, get food stamps, get subsidized housing. Stay right where you are.” You know the rest. And it certainly works at the ballot box.
Blacks vote for the Democratic candidate almost all of the time. We can only assume that the majority of blacks believe freebies are in their interest, but they are tragically wrong.
Freebies keep them down and keep them dependent on government authorities; hapless and crooked people like Hillary Clinton. Although it’s race-conscious, socialist-lite leftists who promote social welfare spending, their policies are the exact same ones a Ku Klux Klan-oriented government would have pursued.
Why? Because handouts keep blacks down.
And it’s time for that to change once and for all.
Some polls show Trump getting as little as zero percent of the black vote in some swing states. What do African-Americans dislike about Trump’s proposals? They don’t know.
They just know that they can’t vote for a candidate that their pseudo-masters deem as “racist.” And those masters, such as Obama, Hillary Clinton and their cronies, deem as racist anyone who disagrees with them on any issue.
An unregulated free market would massively reduce taxes and innovation-strangling regulations on the wealth producers who create the jobs that blacks and everyone need to become upwardly mobile. Elimination of government regulations would open up entry-level jobs for those loafing, demoralized, on street corners; selling illegal drugs or living off government handouts.
You have to start somewhere, and I challenge anyone to claim that a low-paying job is worse than permanent dependence on the government — in exchange for a vote and nothing much else.
Phasing out government housing would provide incentives for people to venture outside those communistic confines and into the real world where markets, ability and profit prevail and are rewarded. For generations, we have systematically destroyed incentives and economic freedom for most everyone, especially for disadvantaged black people.
At the bottom of the economic ladder, they suffer the most in a severely hampered free-market system.
Unleashing free-market capitalism would not be cruel or inhumane, as the leftists and Marxists claim. It would appeal to the best and brightest, and finally allow blacks a chance to move beyond both slavery and the imperialist welfare state that replaced slavery in America.
Charity will never be against the law, and in an economically robust climate there would be even more charity dollars for those who really need and want it.
What’s cruel and inhumane is to continue along the path we’re going; a path of permanent dependence on government freebies. I don’t know if Donald Trump could win blacks over with this message, but I sure wish he’d give it a try. It would give everyone something to think about, and would provide a glorious and uplifting alternative to the sadness and stagnation that continue to dominate the lives of American minorities.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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