When watching the popular Netflix series, "House of Cards," I sometimes wonder if the series is popular because it shows how awful politicians are, or if most people simply think that political corruption is cool.
I now have the answer.
The New York Times reports that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is considering keeping Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her current position.
Well, of course she is!
Just days before, former President Bill Clinton had a high-profile and controversial “secret” meeting with the attorney general. Then, after that meeting, and right before The New York Times story, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton likely will not face prosecution for violation of laws while Secretary of State.
And Lynch gets to keep her job. Surprise, surprise.
Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton “crooked.” He says the whole federal legal system is rigged. He’s right, but it’s far worse than that. It’s straight out of the plot of TV’s "House of Cards."
The writers need look no further for material than the spectacle of the former First Lady seizing power for herself by doling out jobs and favors outside the parameters of the law.
I can’t figure out how this scam of hers could be more obvious or transparent — yet the leftists continue to fawn all over her.
At least in the TV show, most of the corruption is kept secret. Mrs. Clinton parades it blatantly in front of us all while laughing all the way to the White House.
Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton has broken the law. Her husband suddenly meets with the attorney general. As if in lockstep, the attorney general’s FBI soon after tells CNN there will probably be no charges, despite earlier claims there might be.
Then just as suddenly, the former first lady announces she’ll keep the current attorney general on in her job.
And don’t for a minute think that Loretta Lynch doesn’t have ambitions of her own. Her ideological and clearly stated mission includes prosecuting people who criticize Islam, as well as people who question global warming or climate change.
She is quite comfortable undermining the First Amendment in pursuit of making her personal opinions the law of the land. Her zeal for anti-constitutional agendas matches Hillary Clinton’s sheer lust for power. If there was ever a marriage made in political hell, Clinton and Lynch are it.
Wait. This has to be a sordid soap opera about corrupt politicians worthy of a television series. Right? Wrong. It’s the 2016, real-life presidential election.
Do millions watch "House of Cards" because they think it’s a cautionary tale to avoid at all costs? Or, do they actually think it’s kind of cool, and then trot off to vote for Hillary Clinton? Do they relate, finding the show normal and familiar?
That question will be answered in November. The fact that Hillary’s ahead in current polls while being so clearly corrupt shows just how low America has sunk.
Newsmax reports: “That desire to retain Lynch could, however, become problematic, as illustrated by the recent controversy over the revelation of a secret meeting between former president Bill Clinton and Lynch on a Phoenix tarmac, even as there is an ongoing federal investigation into Hillary's use of a private email server while she was serving as secretary of state.
“Hillary Clinton admitted to NBC News that the meeting gave the appearance of impropriety, but insisted that it was merely a chance encounter and the subject of her emails was not even discussed.”
Just how stupid does she think people are?
That’s another answer we will get in November.
The question isn’t why Hillary Clinton gets away with things that would have sent Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, or even George W. Bush to prison. The question is, why do Americans no longer care?
I watch "House of Cards," and I can tell you without a doubt that Hillary Clinton’s corruption is far more obvious than anything you’ll see on that show. The corrupt characters on that TV show are sly, sneaky and rather sophisticated. Hillary Clinton’s deceit and trading of justice for power could not be more crude and obvious.
She is counting on a voter base so inattentive and out of touch that anyone can be handed the presidency. And she’s also banking on an electorate so concerned with keeping freebies and handouts that the one who promises the most goodies will win regardless of any other factor — including outright crime.
Is life really imitating art? We’ll know soon enough.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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