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Phony Terror War Means West Really Loses

Michael Hurd By Monday, 18 July 2016 11:07 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Europeans have little confidence in Donald Trump when it comes to world affairs, a new poll finds. The recent Pew Research Center survey shows in nearly half of all the nations polled, the share of the public with confidence in Trump is in single digits.

The survey shows a median of 59 percent of Europeans have confidence in Hillary Clinton, and 27 percent expressed no confidence.

Incredibly, the poll finds that European attitudes toward President Barack Obama show 77 percent have confidence in him, while 22 percent have no confidence. What is wrong with these people?! The vast majority actually think Obama does a good job battling terrorism? No wonder Europe continues to be so vulnerable to terror attacks!

Hillary Clinton and Obama have quite ably presided over the birth and growth of ISIS and the unprecedented numbers of Muslim terrorist attacks on civilians throughout Europe, especially in France. Their policies and politically correct attitudes make Neville Chamberlin’s “peace in our time” pacification of Hitler in the 1930s seem Churchillian by comparison.

Imagine if a Republican president had presided over expanding Islamic terrorism. “The whole world hates us!” would be the shouts of the idiotic media “elites” as well as European officials. When it happens on a European like-minded leftist’s watch like Obama, it’s all suddenly OK.

Europeans’ support of Clinton/Obama and their dislike for Donald Trump strongly suggests that they’re happy with the status quo. How could they be so smugly satisfied as their citizens get mowed down or blown to bits by Islamists on a regular basis?

How many more attacks will it take for them to think that something is wrong?

If elected, Donald Trump will of course have to prove himself. But why are Europeans so against what he’s saying? All he’s saying is we have to pay closer attention to the Muslims we let into our countries, and consider using military force against ISIS and Islam — way beyond what we’re doing now, which is essentially nothing. Whatever we are doing (other than getting condescending lectures from Barack after every Muslim attack) is not working.

Why are Trump’s statements so radical?

Europeans are weak. Violent Muslims, like any evil bullies, seek out and exploit weakness. They sense the lack of moral courage and strategic willingness to defend one’s way of life, and that’s why they’re rolling over Europeans with virtually no resistance.

Obama and Hillary Clinton reinforce this weakness with their politically correct smokescreens. They, like the Europeans themselves, insist that we have no business criticizing Muslims; that we’ve frankly brought a lot of this problem on ourselves, and military solutions are not the answer.

OK, Barack and Hillary, what is the answer? Silence. Nothing.

Let’s just keep expressing outrage at violence and guns as we welcome any and all Muslims — including terrorists — onto our doorstep, and hope for the best while thousands more die.

And, above all, never, ever say anything critical about Islam. Ridiculous.

Rest assured that America is next. We’ve already seen it in San Bernardino and Orlando, and that’s just the beginning. If Americans don’t vote for some kind of total course reversal in fighting Islamic attacks, then we, like Europe, will go the way of past civilizations.

Remember that the Roman Empire ultimately fell when savage barbarians crossed their borders and brought down civilization.

It’s happening to Western civilization today, only much faster. At the moment, Europeans are on the front line of those attacks, and their only response is more of the same.

The question isn’t why Europeans are unsure about Donald Trump. The real question is why they have so much misdirected confidence in a policy, led by Obama himself, that delivers them and all of Western civilization into the hands of barbarians.

It’s a death wish unlike any the world has ever seen. If Trump wins, he has his work cut for him in convincing Europeans and Americans that they deserve to survive.

Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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San Bernardino and Orlando, that’s just the beginning. If Americans don’t vote for some kind of total course reversal in fighting Islamic attacks, then we, like Europe, will go the way of past civilizations. It’s a death wish unlike any the world has ever seen.
hillary, obama, isis, trump
Monday, 18 July 2016 11:07 AM
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