Amy Kremer, a co-founder of a super PAC supporting Republican Donald Trump told Newsmax TV that political correctness needs to be abandoned in the fight against terrorism. "People need to wake up and stop with the political correctness because it's killing us."
She is absolutely right.
Political correctness embodies the ridiculous idea that “authorities” know better; that people in charge are right . . . because they’re in charge. Nothing could be more un-American than PC! The American Revolution was not won this way, and World War II was not won walking on eggshells for fear of offending the Japanese or the Nazis.
Many Americans engage in self-censorship, but Donald Trump’s surprising popularity shows just how close to the surface the emotions of rage and frustration are.
Islamic terrorists are not only savage killers. They push the limits, psychologically. Their prolonged, brutal campaign against America is like one big dare. “So you really want to be PC? Watch this!” Suddenly, Paris. San Bernardino. Orlando.
What’s next? And you can be sure that something will be next.
Say what you will about Obama, Hillary Clinton and the other apostles of PC. When it comes to Islam, they’re not budging. The more that Muslims attack us — brutally, even with political incorrectness, as in the case of Orlando — the more the progressive leftists hold their ground.
They will take the bullets, the bombs, the beheadings, the biological warfare; whatever Islam has in store for us. They, Obama and his ilk, appear ready to die for political correctness, and to take us all down with them.
PC literally kills. Just listen to Obama: “It’s not a war. Islam means peace. Only guns kill.”
Muslim terrorists don’t need guns. They chop off heads with swords. Thanks to Obama’s “peace treaty” with Iran, one of Islam’s most supportive governments will soon have the ability to launch nuclear attacks against Israel and maybe even American and European cities.
Organized Muslims (the only ones who matter today) are Medieval savages. They will stone, set fire to, strangle or throw off buildings infidel gay teenagers, independent women; or anyone else who offends them. And do you think our “banning” of assault weapons will stop them?
Terrorists don’t acquire their weapons at Walmart or the gun store on the corner.
While Hillary Clinton noisily goes through the motion of sanctimoniously “banning,” terrorists can get guns whenever they want.
The land of the brave and the home of the free could, in fact, elect yet another left-wing, pro-Muslim sympathizer to the White House. Not only will Hillary Clinton be a disaster for the obvious reasons that she’s a corrupt, lawless and soulless hypocrite, but her election will be a resounding affirmation of all Obama has done to make America so dangerously vulnerable to terrorism.
Trump is far from perfect. Yes, he’s a big risk. But Hillary Clinton is certain disaster. And her election will send a message to the Islamic world that America won’t fight.
We’re too busy arguing about our local gun store and unisex bathrooms, thank you.
PC is the embodiment of the fear to speak your mind. To state the truth even when the truth becomes overwhelmingly obvious. Terrorists make it easy to state the obvious.
If, after Orlando and whatever’s next, we won’t speak the truth and start to go after our enemies with the full force of our military might, then when in the hell will we?
Wake up, “progressives”: You’ll fall right along with the rest of us.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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