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Trump's Not Draining the Swamp, He's Only Restocking It

Trump's Not Draining the Swamp, He's Only Restocking It

On Jan. 28, 2017, President Donald Trump was with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and Vice President Mike Pence, among others, including White House press secretary Sean Spicer and then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn (both not pictured). Trump spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, D.C. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

Michael Shannon By Tuesday, 16 May 2017 04:52 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Many Trump supporters have been dismayed by constant opposition media attacks on the president. Trumpistas worry that potential administration accomplishments could be undermined or defeated by leftists before Trump has served even a single year.

My advice is to save your fretting.

The left has already won and they did it by seizing the high ground in the administration’s human resources office. Why spend millions on political organizing and televsion ads when a new Trojan horse reports for work every week?

Trump’s apparent failure to get political appointees submitted to the Senate for confirmation begins to finally make some sense. The hundreds of vacant positions aren’t a symptom of Trump mismanagement, inefficiency, or a desire to shrink the government.

The slow-walking must be plot on the part of the leftist cabal that runs the White House human resources department. Their first goal is to get the moles into place and ready to leak, before supporters are nominated to implement Trumpismo initiatives.

Trump administration hiring decisions have completely reversed the newsgathering dynamic.

There’s a scene in the excellent new movie "The Case for Christ" during which courtroom reporters rush madly to a bank of pay phones to call in a breaking story. This was a common occurrence before the invention of cellphones.

Today, when there’s momentous news, Trump’s White House staffers pretend to need a smoke, a vape or attend to their personal needs as they rush off to find some privacy so they can call a reporter and be the first to drop administration linen before another ingrate beats them to the punch.

The Trump administration isn’t draining the swamp, it’s restocking the swamp.

The Week claims Trump’s leaking is different only in that the leaks come in flood-like volumes. " . . . when things go wrong, as they have so often with this administration, everyone has an incentive to talk to reporters and point fingers somewhere other than themselves."

Maybe for Trump, but the Obama administration was filled with incompetence and stupid mistakes. As Drudge recently contended, it was eight years of no significant leaks.

Think of what would have happened if the Trump administration had initiated Fast and Furious; allowed the ambassador to Libya to be murdered on the anniversary of 9/11; and traded millions of dollars for hostages held by Iran.

Trump’s leakers would have made a citizen’s arrest in the Oval Office, but mum was the word in the Obama White House.

Is there some moral defect among these Republican staffers? Do they have no honor or sense of obligation? The leakers in the Trump White House weren’t forced to take their jobs. It’s not surprising a holdover from the Obama administration like the Justice Department’s Sally Yates in would undermine Trump for as long as she lasted. (Complete perfidy details here.)

Trump would be better served if he forgot about the Muslim ban and instead banned new Republicans from the White House.

Why are Democrats so loyal and Republican’s so disloyal? People with the ethics of a adulterer are hamstringing trump’s administration.

If working for Trump is so soul–crushing, the honorable course would be to resign. After the letter of resignation was accepted the Trump alumnus could then rush over to MSNBC studios to spill their beans. But spilling the legumes while still an employee of the administration is duplicitous and self-defeating.

What do these moles think they’re accomplishing? Are they so desperate for recognition that being known as a contemptible worm beats being trustworthy and unknown? Do they really think the opposition media will respect them in the morning?

When you think about it Donald Trump and James Comey were a marriage made in heaven. Evidently Comey thought the Russia investigation gave him job security and Trump thought Democrats would applaud Comey’s firing.

If the report that Trump fired Comey because he wasn’t putting any emphasis on the investigation of classified leaks is true, Trump had an excellent reason for his "Katzenjammer Kids" dismissal.

Currently nothing deters leakers of classified information. The media treats them as heroes. The FBI should have been issuing subpoenas to reporters who printed classified information as accessories after the fact.

But Comey couldn’t be bothered.

That’s why I think every business that’s been hit with a Ransomware demand in the last week should send a bill to Comey’s home address. The "Windoze" operating system vulnerability was revealed in a large leak of classified information by someone who remains scot-free and basking in their own inflated self-regard.

If Comey had gone after classified leakers as hard as he went after Martha Stewart, it’s entirely possible the Ransomware vulnerability leaker might have been dissuaded.

Until Trump discovers a way to start hiring Trumpistas, instead of traitors, his administration will continue to be a slow-motion riot.

Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)." Read more of Michael Shannon's reports — Go Here Now.

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Until Trump discovers a way to start hiring Trumpistas, instead of traitors, his administration will continue to be a slow-motion riot.
fbi, leakers, republican, yates
Tuesday, 16 May 2017 04:52 PM
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