If the wrong strongman assumes power next year, Syria isn’t going to be the only locale experiences a mass exodus. According to a recent survey posted on GovExec.com, up to 25 percent of the federal workforce would consider quitting their jobs if Donald Trump were elected president.
So far that’s the single best reason I’ve come across to vote for The Donald. A cut of 5,498,750 government employees and all he has to do is take the oath of office.
With illegals heading for the border and federal bureaucrats heading for the exits, Trump may be the cause of one of the largest and most beneficial mass migrations in history.
This is not to say absorbing an influx of over 5 million employment refugees will go without a hitch. There will most certainly be cultural issues.
If you think Germany has had trouble with Syrians acclimating to "sudden cleavage syndrome," wait until the refugees from the National Park Service arrive.
There’s a real possibility that women who wander too near the center for displaced former Grand Canyon guides could find themselves in a Cologne–type situation.
It seems Smokey the Bear wasn’t the only male on the payroll that enjoyed wild life. For the past 15 years, according to the International Business Times, female park service employees have been subject to sexual harassment and retaliation from colleagues who were termed “free spirits.” (Evidently spirits were flowing freely, too, but that’s another issue.) But I’m sure once the “spirits” learn our ways and spend enough time with social workers (preferably male) the problem will disappear.
Less touchy–feely workers will also find the private sector to be uncharted territory. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing their commute or paying for parking. These new capitalists will discover “flex–time” doesn’t mean moving your afternoon nap and they won’t be able to hide behind arcane job descriptions if their new boss gives them an unpleasant task.
Exposure to the private sector will be a tremendous learning experience. Wouldn’t you like to be there when a former U.S. Patent and Trademark office employee discovers browsing the Amazon website doesn’t qualify as telework?
It’s time to give these selfless “public servants” the chance to earn those millions in the private sector, they keep telling us is theirs for the asking. And please don’t fall for the “Trump’s driving out the best and the brightest!” The bureaucrats that evacuate a Trump administration are going to be the ideologues and the pocket totalitarians. Think Lois Lerner instead of helpful librarian.
The survey found among Democrats 26 percent answered “yes” to leaving, while another 16 percent would seriously consider joining the private sector. Among Republicans an overwhelming 89 percent are going to stay put. The rest are waiting for Jeb! to finally gain some traction.
Since 93 percent of these Democrats approve of Obama’s anti–Second Amendment executive orders and 80 percent want more of the same in the next four years, these are just the kind of people you want out of government.
Even better, these are the expensive employees. The survey found: “those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.” These bureaucrats are making between $73,000 and $95,000 a year, which really starts to add up.
Even if they were ambitious, eager–beavers those are exactly the kind of government employee conservatives should want to eliminate, since they only serve to expand big government.
Sluggish DMV employees aren’t agitating for more authority. They’re content with processing the license or registration paperwork at the standard glacial pace.
Sleepy employees aren't trying to expand DMV jurisdiction into selling government tires or oil changes. Their only goal is to discover what ratio of closed to open customer service windows produces the maximum number of disgruntled citizens, with the least elected official outrage.
If you mistakenly inject a few highly motivated employees into the DMV the wait may go down to a comparatively speedy half–day, but with time on their hands the new hires may decide to go out into the parking lot and check the tint density on your SUV windows.
Ted Cruz is a genuine conservative and he’s said that one of his goals is to eliminate four Cabinet agencies. That’s an excellent idea, but the implementation will be a legislative fight to the death and Cruz can’t be certain the RINOs in Congress won’t join with Democrats to block his effort.
Once Neutron Donald takes office all he has to do, if the poll is to be believed, is finish the sentence with “so help me God” and the agencies start purging themselves.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher (for the League of American Voters), and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)." Read more of Michael Shannon's reports — Go Here Now.
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