More than a third of Americans don't think President Barack Obama loves America, a new survey shows.
According to the
Huffington Post/YouGov survey, 47 percent believe Obama loves his country, and 35 percent said he doesn't. Seventeen percent weren't sure.
The polling comes in the wake of
remarks from Rudy Giuliani during a private dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at the "21" club, where the former New York City mayor declared: "I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America."
After a
storm of criticism, Giuliani tried to clarify the comments,
writing in The Wall Street Journal that he was trying to highlight the impact of the president's lack of leadership.
"I didn’t intend to question President Obama’s motives or the content of his heart," he wrote. "Irrespective of what a president may think or feel, his inability or disinclination to emphasize what is right with America can hamstring our success as a nation."
In the YouGov survey, there were sharp differences among Republicans and Democrats on the controversy.
According to the poll, 85 percent of Democrats, but only 11 percent of Republicans think the president loves America, while 20 percent of Republicans and independents said they were unsure if Obama loves America, compared with 9 percent of Democrats.
The survey's margin of error is 4.1 percentage points.
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