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Michael Savage: Armed Conflict With China Unlikely

By    |   Thursday, 14 February 2013 04:30 PM EST

Conservative radio host and bestselling author Michael Savage has just released 'Abuse of Power,' a new book that puts former war correspondent Jack Hatfield on the front lines in an effort to foil a terrorist plot of China's. Despite the chilling events described in the book, Savage believes the likelihood of an actual conflict is quite low.

In the novel, China has sent secret teams to the United States who are planning a massive attack on our military, after which they plan to release a toxic cloud on a major city. In a nod to recent events, the book begins with a real-life story of a Chinook helicopter crash that killed 22 Navy SEALs in Afghanistan two years ago.

Story continues below.

In an interview with Newsmax TV, Savage criticized the fact that the crash was never investigated and hopes the book may prompt a renewed examination.

“Why was it not investigated and who in the Pentagon put all those SEALs in one helicopter?” Savage asked. “They were from Seal Unit 6, the same unit that had maybe two months before found and killed Osama bin Laden. I found it very strange that all these SEALs would be put into a single-hulled helicopter, sent into a hot landing zone, be killed, and yet there be no Congressional investigation.”

Despite the intrigue in the book, Savage said China doesn’t focus on military conflict to achieve its goals.

“They practice the art of war and the art of war (features) a warrior who doesn’t have to unhitch his sword. One who wins the battle without fighting is the superior warrior,” he said.

Savage believes China has too much invested in the United States to risk waging a military conflict.

“They don’t have to fire a shot at us. They own our currency, have taken a good portion of our small manufacturing and are now getting a lot of our large manufacturing,” he said. “What do they need to go to war with us for when they basically have everything they want? And, frankly, they need us as customers.”

Savage said he hopes tensions between the United States and China never escalate to the point of an armed conflict.

“I certainly hope there’s no war, but there are some very alarming situations that have emerged. They’re building an aircraft carrier, advancing in space and increasing their nuclear stockpile – all the white (President Barack) Obama is decimating the same on our side,” he said. “China has an excessive number of single males and we all know that usually when a country has excess number of men proportionate to women, they go to war.”

Speaking about his new radio show, which is now available on almost 200 stations including Cumulus Media stations in New York, Dallas, San Francisco, and other major markets, Savage said ratings have not only been strong among men, but the show has also performed well against Hispanic radio outlets in those markets.

“Obviously, there’s still a high demand for conservative talk, especially if it’s blunt and honest,” Savage said.

Besides catering to a large segment of the talk radio market, Savage said his radio show provides a lot of inspiration for his books.

“Because I have a daily radio show, I have a constant stream of news storms and some jump out as fitting perfectly and I put them right in the novel. Many of my scenes are set in restaurants and those are actually based upon almost real-life conversations that are slightly altered to fit the plot,” he said. “The food is certainly real and the characters are based on real characters.”

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Conservative radio host and bestselling author Michael Savage has just released 'Abuse of Power,' a new book that puts former war correspondent Jack Hatfield on the front lines in an effort to foil a terrorist plot of China's.
Thursday, 14 February 2013 04:30 PM
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