North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un claims to have tested an H-Bomb, in his fourth overt nuclear test since 2006. "Experts" in the press are widely dismissing his claim because the apparent yield, like the other 3 nuclear tests, is in the neighborhood of 10 kilotons or less. The "experts" associate H-Bombs, also called thermonuclear weapons, with very high-yields, equivalent to millions of tons of TNT (megatons).
However, there is another kind of H-Bomb.
Enhanced Radiation Weapons such as Super-EMP weapons are essentially very low-yield H-Bombs, that typically have yields of 1-10 kilotons, just like the North Korean device. Thus, Kim Jong-Un could be telling the truth.
Indeed, all four North Korean nuclear tests look like a Super-EMP weapon because of their very low yield. That the "Dear Leader" describes the latest test as an H-Bomb is further evidence that North Korea's mysterious nuke is a Super-EMP warhead.
A Super-EMP warhead would be a greater threat to the United States than the most powerful H-Bomb ever built.
A big H-Bomb could blast New York or Los Angeles into rubble. But an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could blackout the North American electric grid and all the life sustaining critical infrastructures for months or years, according to the Congressional EMP Commission, killing up to 90 percent of the American people through starvation and societal collapse.
In 2004, members of the Congressional EMP Commission met with two Russian generals, Moscow's top strategic experts on EMP weaponry. The generals disclosed that Russia has a decisive new nuclear weapon--a Super-EMP warhead.
However, the main purpose of the demarche by the Russian generals to the Commission was to warn that design information about the Super-EMP weapon had "accidentally" leaked to North Korea.
During their 2004 demarche, the Russian generals warned the EMP Commission that North Korea could develop a Super-EMP nuclear weapon "in a few years." A few years later, in 2006, North Korea conducted its first nuclear test, of a device that looks suspiciously like a Super-EMP weapon. Because the North Korean device had a very low yield, about 3 kilotons, most experts dismissed the nuclear test as a failure, despite claims by North Korea that the device worked as planned.
However, a Super-EMP weapon would have a low-yield, like the North Korean device, because it is not designed to create a big explosion, but to convert its energy into gamma rays, that generate the EMP effect. North Korean overt nuclear tests in 2009, 2013, and now in 2015 all had low yields, in the neighborhood of 3-10 kilotons.
These tests were hailed as successful by North Korea, but dismissed as failures by many in the West, despite warnings from the EMP Commission and others that North Korea is developing a Super-EMP warhead:
- South Korean military intelligence has repeatedly warned the press that Russian scientists are in North Korea helping develop a Super-EMP nuclear weapon.
- In 2010, according to some reputable European analysts, radio isotope data indicates North Korea may have conducted two clandestine nuclear tests of a very low yield nuclear device of sophisticated fusion design, consistent with a Super-EMP weapon.
- Traces of tritium, the fuel for an H-Bomb, have been detected in some North Korean low-yield tests, consistent with a Super-EMP weapon.
- North Korea's access to tritium, harder to obtain than deuterium and other H-Bomb fuels, indicates they are more sophisticated than commonly credited in the West, or are getting help from someone.
- In 2012, a military commentator for the People's Republic of China told a Hong Kong journal that North Korea has Super-EMP nuclear warheads.
In 2011, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Ronald Burgess, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that North Korea has weaponized its nuclear device into warheads for arming ballistic missiles. This confirms that North Korea's nuclear tests were, in fact, successful. The North Koreans would not arm their missiles with duds.
European intelligence agencies concluded that North Korea armed with nuclear warheads Nodong missiles capable of striking Japan in 2009. The CIA's top East Asia analyst publicly stated that North Korea had successfully miniaturized nuclear warheads for missile delivery in a 2008 interview.
So North Korea now has missiles armed with nuclear warheads, of mysterious design.
In April 2013, during the worst ever nuclear crisis with North Korea, when Kim Jong-Un was threatening to make a nuclear strike against the U.S., the North orbited a satellite on the optimum trajectory to evade U.S. missile defenses and, if the satellite concealed a warhead, to project an EMP field over the 48 contiguous United States.
North Korea is a mortal nuclear threat to the United States – right now.
North Korea has labored for years and starved its people so it could develop an intercontinental missile capable of reaching the United States. Why? Because they have a special kind of nuclear weapon that could destroy the United States with a single blow.
Such is the fruit of President Bill Clinton's "Agreed Framework" with North Korea that he promised would terminate their nuclear weapons program.
By the way, Iran and North Korea are strategic partners pledged by treaty to share scientific and military technology. Iranian scientists reportedly have been present at North Korean nuclear tests. And North Korean scientists are in Iran, helping them develop long-range missiles, and perhaps their "final solution" for America.
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and served in the EMP Commission, the Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, the CIA, and is author of Blackout Wars and Electric Armageddon available through and
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