Ann Coulter says gays are being hurt by A&E's suspension of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson for his controversial comments about homosexuals and she believes an "angry gay Mafia" is to blame.
"There's nothing offensive about what Phil Robertson said," the outspoken conservative commentator told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"In fact, he puts fornicating heterosexuals on a darker plane than homosexuality."
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The controversy exploded when family patriarch Robertson, speaking to GQ magazine, labeled homosexuality a sin and compared it to bestiality, among other things.
Asked what he considered sinful, Robertson said, "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."
Calling himself a Bible-thumper and paraphrasing Corinthians, he added: "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won't inherit the kingdom of God."
Coulter told Malzberg:
"He says you start with homosexuality, from there you go to bestiality, to having sex with this woman and that woman, and, look, the straight Christian, and I might add Judeo-Christian doctrine – sorry, no fornication.
"That's what the good book says. And to just cite standard morality that has been around for thousands of years and have this angry gay mafia gang up on you and demand your suspension has just gotten out of control. This is not good for the gays."
Coulter, bestselling author of
"Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 — Especially a Republican," slammed the bipartisan budget deal passed this week.
"What's the matter with the sequester? They keep acting like, well, we had to act, we had to act. We haven't had a budget for, what is it, six years now? That's what the sequester was for," Coulter said.
"If you don't agree on a budget, which they obviously weren't going to, there are these automatic cuts that go into effect. And I might add at this juncture that that deal was concluded by the great [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell who's being viciously attacked by nuts calling him, oh, he's establishment."
Coulter had harsh words for Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, one of the architects of the deal.
"The big tea partier, Paul Ryan, just scuttled the deal that would continue to cut government spending in order to raise government spending, in order to raise taxes," Coulter said.
"And don't tell me it's not a tax because it only applies to people who fly," she added, referring to the hike in TSA fees.
Coulter also called for harsh punishment of cyberhackers — particularly in the wake of news that 40 million credit cards used by people shopping at Target stores may have been compromised.
"These cyberhackers should get the death penalty. It's a really serious problem … They just step in and create enormous costs on society to engage in thievery, just like trial lawyers," she said.
"[It's] an enormous cost on society and they're so hard to catch and so when you finally catch them, I mean part of the way criminal punishment works is the harder it is to catch the more extreme the punishment needs to be in order to discourage the behavior."
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