Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's poll numbers went down after he attacked presidential frontrunner Donald Trump in the first GOP debate, but Paul says he'll hit Trump even harder at Wednesday's second debate.
"I think that was a little easy on him," Paul said Tuesday on CNN's
"The Lead with Jake Tapper." "I think he deserves every bit he gets. I would say that I will make sure that everybody in the country knows that he's a fake conservative, and there's nothing conservative about Donald Trump other than that he wants the Trump brand to be out there."
Paul said Trump doesn't have a vision for limited government, a balanced budget, low taxes, or anything else conservatives have fought for for decades.
"He's been on the other side of every one of those issues and voters deserve to know that," Paul said. "Not enough people yet know that Donald Trump is a big believer in using big government to take property from private property owners, small private property owners, and give it to big corporations — often his own big corporations."
Watch Newsmax TV GOP Debate Special starting tonight at 10 pm ET with exclusive commentary and analysis from Dr Ben Carson, Michael Reagan, Scott Walker, and Dick Morris.
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