Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gave a glowing endorsement for American Constitution Party candidate Tom Tancredo over GOP challenger Dan Maes in Colorado’s gubernatorial race,
ABC News’ Huma Khan reported. "Tom is the right man for the job, and he'll fight for lower taxes,” Palin said in a last-minute robocall to voters. ‘He'll stop growing government and start growing the economy. And we know he'll continue working to end illegal immigration.”

Palin’s endorsement for the former Republican congressman, who has made immigration the central feature of his campaign after announcing his third-party campaign in late July, may be a sign of further dissatisfaction with Republican nominees. Tancredo also has been endorsed by Republican, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
Upset with the endorsement, Maes, who has been losing support from the GOP and the tea party movement since he won the Republican primary, accused Palin of becoming part of the establishment. He claimed Palin waited until the last minute to support Tancredo in order to improve her odds of backing a winner.
In a KHOW radio interview Monday, Maes and said he couldn’t see where “the courage or integrity is” in Palin’s endorsement. Maes, is being challenged by Democrat John Hickenlooper, the mayor of Denver. Latest polls show Hickenlooper with a slight lead over Tancredo, 48 to 43 percent, while Maes is polling at just 8 percent.
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