USA Today called on Congress to formally censure President Donald Trump for his comments about the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"Several prominent Republicans took to Twitter on Wednesday to denounce hatred and bigotry in the wake of President Trump's shocking equivocations about the white-supremacist mayhem in Charlottesville, Virginia," the newspaper's editorial board said. "That's all well and good. But the curse of Twitter is its drive-by nature, allowing leaders to dip their toes in controversy without really getting wet.
"Expressing disapproval in 140 characters or fewer is insufficient when the president angrily asserts that there were some 'very fine people' among the bigots waving Confederate battle flags and swastika banners, when torch-bearing marchers chanted 'Jews will not replace us;' and when police said one Nazi sympathizer rammed a sports car into a crowd, killing an innocent counter-protester."
USA Today maintained more formal condemnation is necessary and called on Republican lawmakers and Democrats to join together.
"This is a moment of reckoning for members of the Party of Lincoln: Do they want to stand up for American values, or do they want to keep enabling a president whose understanding of right and wrong has slipped dangerously off the rails?"
It noted censure is not impeachment, but would "constitute a forceful way of rebuking Trump." But USA Today conceded the division between Republicans and Democrats may be wider than ever.
"But when it comes to ideologies of hate and racism, the nation's leaders need to speak forcefully with one voice," it concluded.
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