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The DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight

The DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight
The gun-control measures proposed by President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Sen. Feinstein do nothing to reduce the likelihood of another mass shooting. (AP Photo)

Ted Nugent By Wednesday, 30 January 2013 10:51 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

President Obama and Vice President Biden are the ring leaders of the DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight with the American Public.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Vice President Biden claimed during a speech on gun violence that while playing golf back in 2006 he heard the sound of gunshots from a mass school shooting in Pennsylvania.

That’s been proven to be a lie but our lapdog media has not called him on it, thereby making them complicit in the continuing scam by this administration.

So much of the mainstream media has lost its soul.

Misstating the facts is not uncommon to the vice president. While running for president in 1987, candidate Biden was popped for plagiarism at a speech in Iowa. As a law student back in 1965, Joe received an “F” in his law class for plagiarizing a legal article.

Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Now the president has said that he shoots skeet “all the time” when he’s at Camp David. Truly fascinating.

Interestingly, this is the first time he has claimed any gun handling or shooting when he’s at Camp David — or any time for that matter.

As a lifetime crusader for gun control, isn’t it reasonable to think the president’s ace PR team would have released reams of pictures and video of the president blasting away with a shotgun?

It’s hard to trust these two when there is so much that is either out and out lies, or so highly suspicious that it’s extraordinarily difficult to believe.

What we should find most unnerving about both their outrageous gun-related statements is that if they are lying about this, what else have they lied to us about?

Make no mistake. The president and vice president are not interested in reducing the likelihood of other mass shootings. They are interested in banning guns from legal, law-abiding citizens. That’s their singular dirty goal.

If the Obama/Biden gun-banning gang, which includes California Sen. Diane Feinstein, really wanted to reduce the chances of a mentally-ill person from committing another slaughter, the president could have made a public service announcement where he encouraged the parents of mentally-ill children to not teach their mentally-ill children how to shoot a gun and to keep their guns locked up tight.

That simple announcement would have actually accomplished something and made our schools, shopping malls and other gun-free slaughter zones safer. Had they really wanted to make America safer, they would have also banned gun free zones.

But instead the DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight proposed banning so-called “assault weapons” which are used in less 3 percent of gun crimes. What they have proposed will do nothing to reduce the likelihood of another mass shooting. Statistically, more people are murdered in the United States with bludgeons than any and all rifles combined.

What Obama, Biden, and Feinstein have proposed is putting you and your loved ones at increased risk. My advice, like the advice of so many professional law enforcement officers, is to get a weapon and defend yourself and your family.

Call 9-1-1 and ask for a clean-up crew, because that is the best you can expect by the time they show up.

What’s going on here is that America is being punked by a couple of second-rate political shysters.

When the president, vice president, or senator start flapping their lips about making America safer, don’t be a sucker and believe them. They are punking America because they care much more about banning guns than they do about truly making America safer.

Don’t trust the Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight With America. It is all a nasty, unconstitutional scam.

Ted Nugent is a musician and award-winning writer and author of The New York Times best-selling “Ted White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns and Rock 'n' Roll,” along with “Kill It and Grill It,” “BloodTrails,” and “BloodTrails II.” He also is a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. Read more reports from Ted Nugent — Click Here Now.

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President Obama and Vice President Biden are the ring leaders of the DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight With the American Public.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 10:51 PM
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