Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says the big winner of Monday’s Republican debate was the tea party movement, which received much deserved validation by partnering with CNN to sponsor the forum. Palin also told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that all the candidates succinctly made the point that President Barack Obama’s policies are detrimental to the country.
“I was very pleased with this debate — and you know, very excited about the validation of the tea party movement here, the hook-up with a major news network — CNN,” Palin said “And more power to CNN for allowing that validation of this grass-roots tea party movement.
“The winner in this, really, I believe, was the tea party movement and that validation of what it is that we have been talking about for two years now, Greta: Where we’ve been saying Obama’s big centralized government — his agenda that kind of replicates some of the socialized government policies of some European countries — doesn’t work,” she said. “So you saw a group tonight up there on stage talking about pro-private sector, entrepreneurial pioneering spirit of America being allowed to thrive and prosper to create jobs.”
Van Susteren voiced surprise that only former House Speaker Newt Gingrich attacked the Obama administration’s spending, noting the issue has been a focal point of the tea-party agenda.
“You know, I noticed that, too — and Greta, this is one of the reasons that many of us really love your show,” Palin said. “Because you have been one on top of this issue from day one, talking about the fraud, the waste . . . the crony capitalism that is a part — that has been, it seems — accepted in government as part of the permanent political class that we must be rid of or we’re never going to get to the root of our economic problems.
“So yes, Newt was right on talking the waste — and hopefully, what he talked about could help teach his colleagues up there on stage, and they can all be participants in committing to getting rid of the waste in government,” she said. “I think, though — and I’m going to take heat for saying this, Greta — but I think some of them don’t want to go there because they have been participants in some of the waste and casting votes for budgets that are full of waste just to go along to get along, or in their own states. They haven’t tackled debt and deficit spending to the degree that they should — so they don't have a real strong record to stand on.”
Van Susteren then asked Palin where she stood on entering the race for the GOP nomination — noting she was placing third in many polls — and whether the former Alaska governor had a “drop-dead” date.
“I’m not going to let the media tell me or dictate when a drop-dead date should be — so I don’t have an answer for you on that one yet,” Palin said. “And I still have that same old dopey same old answer that I’m sure you guys are getting sick of hearing — and that is I’m still thinking about it, praying about it, contemplating, talking to my family.
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