Kim Richards, of the Bravo reality show “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” opened up to Dr. Phil McGraw this week about her recent public intoxication arrest.
“I was angry and frightened and I was scared,”
the reality star told Dr. Phil, according to the New York Daily News. “I knew what I had done. The whole night is my fault. None of this would have happened if I didn’t drink.”
The "Dr. Phil" show released a transcript of the interview, which is set to air on April 28, to reporters on Monday.
Richards was arrested on Thursday after refusing to leave the Beverly Hills Hotel, the Daily News said. She faces charges of trespassing, resisting an officer, battery on a police officer, and public drunkenness.
The Beverly Hills Police Department said Richards was “displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior cursing at the officers and
passively resisted arrest," according to People magazine.
Richards’ struggles with alcoholism served as a frequent plot line on the past season of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
The April 16 incident reportedly began in the hotel’s lounge and ended with Richards’ arrest after she refused to leave the hotel and
then locked herself in a bathroom, the New York Post's Page Six reported. The reality star is set to appear in court on June 11.
Richards has attended rehab to treat addiction issues before in the past, according to Page Six.
Twitter users shared mixed reactions to the news.
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