Oscar-winning 'Schindler's List' producer Gerald R. Molen has produced a new film, “Obama’s America: 2016,” that is highly critical of the president.
Molen’s documentary is based on author Dinesh D'Souza’s book, “The Roots of Obama's Rage,” and features the following marketing slogan: “Love Him, Hate Him, You Don’t Know Him.”
The film explores themes in D'Souza's book that analyze the formation of President Barack Obama's underlying political philosophy and motivation for his policies.
After establishing and analyzing the perspective from which Obama views the world, the film offers an assessment of what is likely to happen should the president win re-election and secure another four-year term.
The primary source for Molen’s film, D’Souza’s book, portrays the president as one who is striving to diminish the preeminence of the United States and reallocate power to weaker nations around the globe.
As D’Souza did in “The Roots of Obama's Rage,” the movie uses as source material Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” book, noting that the president’s father saw America as a colonialist nation that needed to be downsized.
“Obama’s America: 2016” will be released nationwide this coming summer in a season that is likely to include fiery general election campaign rhetoric.
The film will be released at the kick-off of the general presidential election season.
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