Despite what you sometimes hear in the media, America’s war against cancer has been a failure. Even with the best efforts of those in conventional cancer treatment, death rates from cancer have barely budged over the last 50 to 60 years. In fact, the average American has a 1 in 4 chance of dying from cancer.
Fortunately, Newsmax Health recently found information from a very unlikely source about a small group of doctors who are quietly going about their business — curing cancer.
While conventional cancer medicine continues to fail miserably, these unrecognized doctors find amazing success while flying under the radar. These medical professionals, most of them right here in the U.S., have powerful stories to share about their little-known methods to treat and even prevent cancer. These stories are so powerful, Newsmax felt compelled to create a special free video to bring them to the public.
An Unlikely Answer to Cancer: A Special Newsmax Health Report
This video An Unlikely Answer to Cancer: A Special Newsmax Health Report helps the public discover the latest cutting-edge therapies to prevent, cope with, and even reverse cancer.
“Most adults are at the mercy of conventional cancer treatment — a $200 billion per year mega-business,” warns Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., a Newsmax medical editor featured in the video. “Most doctors will not tell you this, but just by using proper nutrition, a tumor can change its characteristics and become very benign in its behavior,” asserts Dr. Blaylock, just one of the doctors mentioned who has achieved success with cancer patients using non-traditional yet highly effective and safe therapies.
The paradigm for treating cancer over the last century has been to cut it out, burn and poison it aggressively — and just hope it doesn’t return or spread. This special video introduces a new paradigm: Simply stop the cancer cells from dividing and spreading, and the cancer disappears or becomes inactive.
Treatment protocols noted on the video include everything from conventional to integrative to alternative methods to combat cancer. Additionally, many of these methods can be used in combination with conventional means such as chemotherapy and radiation to dramatically improve the odds of surviving a cancer diagnosis.
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making An Unlikely Answer to Cancer: A Special Newsmax Health Report available at no charge. Click the above link to see the video and minimize your risk of becoming an unfortunate cancer statistic.
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