Excerpts from the prologue of “No Easy Day,” the first-hand account of the Osama bin Laden raid, show the peril the Navy SEALs endured at the outset of the raid, the U.K.'s.
Sun reported.
The book, written by special forces member Matt Bissonnette, writing as Mark Owen, details the raid on bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout and his death shortly thereafter.
Written by special forces member Matt Bissonnette, writing as Mark Owen, the book details the raid on bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout. |
The Sun highlighted some excerpts of the book, which follow.
On items in the hideout: “I found a box of Just For Men hair dye, which he must have used on his beard. No wonder he looked so young.”
On the fatal shots: “We were less than five steps from getting to the top when I heard shots.
"The point man’s shots had entered the right side of his head.
“Blood and brains spilled out of the side of his skull. In his death throes, he was still twitching and convulsing.”
Editor’s Note: Obama is Furious About This Book. Get “No Easy Day” just $4.95 With Special Offer.
On the moments ahead of the raid:
“Five minutes ago, the cabin had come alive. We pulled on helmets and checked weapons. I was wearing 60 pound of gear, a load refined and calibrated hundreds of times.
“We were now less than a minute from the compound. Intelligence said our target was there, but it didn’t matter — whoever was in there was about to have a bad night.”
“I started to make out landmarks I recognized from studying satellite images. I wasn’t clipped into the helicopter with a safety line, so my teammate Walt had a hand on a nylon loop on my body armor.”
“As soon as we cleared the southeastern wall, our helicopter flared out and started to hover near our insert point. Looking down 30 feet into the compound, I could see laundry whipping on a clothesline, trash swirling around a nearby animal pen, goats and cows thrashed around.”
“As the helicopter attempted to climb it took a violent right turn, spinning 90 degrees. I could feel the tail kick to the left. It caught me by surprise and I struggled to find a handhold inside the cabin to keep from sliding out the door.”
“For a second I could feel a panic rising in my chest. I let go of the rope and started to lean back into the cabin, but my teammates were all crowded in the door. I could feel Walt’s grip tighten as the helicopter started to drop.”
“The violent turn put my door in the front as the helicopter started to slide sideways.”
Editor’s Note: Obama is Furious About This Book. Get “No Easy Day” just $4.95 With Special Offer.
“I could see the wall of the courtyard coming up at us. Overhead, the humming engines now seemed to scream.”
On the mission:
“This team had been handpicked from the most experienced men in our squadron.”
“This was a mission I’d dreamt about since I watched the September 11 attacks on a TV in my barracks in Okinawa.”
“I was on deployment as a SEAL, and as Osama bin Laden’s name was mentioned I figured my unit would get the call to go to Afghanistan next day.”
Editor’s Note: Obama is Furious About This Book. Get “No Easy Day” just $4.95 With Special Offer.
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