Self-employed and small business owners are lining up against President Barack Obama who continues to be stung by his “You didn’t built that” comment.
The demographic favors Mitt Romney by 20 points in a new
Rasmussen Reports poll, with the GOP challenger holding the support of 56 percent compared to Obama’s 36 percent.
Obama’s comment was part of a speech where the president was trying to explain that business success is not created in a vacuum and that other factors, such as government provided roads, and other infrastructure and public education, contribute.
However, the president’s remarks have not hurt him in another demographic, government workers. Those on the public payroll support Obama 54 percent to 37 percent. The poll also found that just 39 percent of those self-employed or small business owners support how the president is handling his job. Among government workers, 55 percent support Obama.
Entrepreneurs, by a margin of 74 percent, feel the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests, an opinion shared by 61 percent of government employees and 69 percent of all voters.
Voters are also skeptical of big business, with 67 percent believing that government and big business work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors. Entrepreneurs and government employees hold similar views on this issue.
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