Self-described "America's Rabbi" Shmuley Boteach took out a full-page ad in Saturday's New York Times to support embattled Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez.
The ad from Boteach and his group, This World: The Values Network, praises the New Jersey lawmaker for his "audacity to speak truth to power" and willingness "to reach across party lines on issues of conscience," including his criticism of the Obama administration's move to normalize relations with Cuba and hopes to strike a nuclear deal with Iran by March 24,
The Hill reports.
Menendez "stood up for the American and Israeli people against the administration’s rush to conclude a deal with Iran that would endanger the security of both nations," the ad declares about Menendez's position on some reported details of the deal.
"Senator Menendez is the vital, bi-partisan link against a deal with the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism that would leave Iran with a one-year breakout capability toward a nuclear bomb."
Boteach also has lent his support for the ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee in an op-ed piece in
The Jerusalem Post – defending him in light of
pending criminal corruption charges from the Department of Justice.
"Robert Menendez,has the right to be presumed innocent regarding the allegations being leveled against him by federal authorities," the New Jersey-based rabbi writes.
"Moreover, as a senator he has the right to the gratitude and appreciation of the American Jewish community for being Israel’s courageous friend."
Boteach came under fire for purchasing
a full-page ad in the Times alleging national security adviser Susan Rice turned a blind eye to genocide in Rwanda during the Clinton administration.
He apologized
in a letter printed in The Washington Post.
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