In case there was any remaining doubt about how truly radical Obama’s social agenda is, Democrats dispelled it in their 2012 party platform and their first-night convention speakers.
Gone from the original Democratic platform was any reference to God, even as the source of all human potential, and in the platform are now endorsements of same-sex marriage and taxpayer-funded abortions.
However, judging by their lack of comment, establishment Republicans and Gov. Romney’s campaign apparently missed this truly revolutionary statement rejecting a traditional Judeo-Christian organization for American society in favor of a strictly secular values-free culture where government is “the only thing we all belong to,” as the Democrats so succinctly put it in one of their videos.
Establishment Republicans and the inside-the-Beltway political class who are influential with Gov. Romney generally want to run content-free campaigns. They are no doubt advising him to avoid taking any socially conservative positions that might be at odds with those of the urban elites who dominate the mainstream media, and they pretend the conservative social agenda is a loser for Republican candidates, while history shows us that the opposite is true.
This year the Democrats have thrown down the gauntlet on the cultural issues and it would be a very foolish indeed for Gov. Romney to follow the strategy of running a content-free campaign that avoids them.
The Romney campaign should not underestimate how profoundly unsettling the Democratic Party’s direction under Barack Obama is to millions of Americans who subscribe to the Biblical definition of marriage and the family, and for whom the right-to-life is an essential teaching of their faith.
The Democratic Party has told these voters loudly and clearly that it means to use the power of the federal government to fundamentally change American society in a way that is totally at odds with their faith.
Unfortunately, it appears that Gov. Romney and the Republicans would like to avoid taking up these issues because most of the Washington insiders who make up the Republican establishment these days have a warped view of history. In their minds, history ends on Election Day 1964 with the defeat of the modern conservative movement’s first Republican presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater.
To these elite GOP establishment insiders the cultural issues are the stuff of undignified Bible Belt candidates and television preachers.
As Reagan economist Jeffrey Bell noted, this view of politics and history is totally at odds with the facts. “Social issues were nonexistent in the period 1932 to 1964 . . . The Republican Party won two presidential elections out of nine, and they had the Congress for all of four years in that entire period. . . . When social issues came into the mix — I would date it from the 1968 election . . . the Republican Party won seven out of 11 presidential elections.”
Every time Republican candidates reject the conservative social agenda and run as moderate establishment insiders — 1976, 1992, 1996, and 2008 — they lose.
At the conclusion of Goldwater’s 1964 acceptance speech at San Francisco’s Cow Palace a reporter supposedly said, “My gosh, Goldwater is running as Goldwater.” Something similar could be said of Obama and the Democrats this election. They are not running a content-free campaign; the mask is off and they are telling America exactly what hope and change look like if Obama is re-elected.
Since 1964, when Americans are presented with a clear choice between a conservative Republican agenda, and a liberal Democrat agenda, the voters always choose the conservative agenda — if Republicans present one to them.
Much as establishment Republican insiders and Gov. Romney’s consultants would like to run a content-free campaign this year, now that the Democrats have released their radical secular platform Gov. Romney and the Republicans don’t really have a choice.
They can either join conservatives to present a clear choice on the traditional values agenda to the electorate, or by their silence they will concede what have been winning issues, and probably the election, to Obama and the Democrats.
Richard A. Viguerie pioneered the use of direct mail in politics. He made it possible for candidates and causes to raise money from millions of small contributors rather than from a few “fat cats.” Read more reports from Richard Viguerie — Click Here Now.
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