I recently returned from New York, where I appeared on “The Daily Show with John Stewart" on Comedy Central. “Is
Obama a socialist?” Answering that question was the reason for my appearance.
The producers seemed eager to prove that Obama is not a socialist and just as importantly, to prove me as being an idiot for believing (knowing) that he is."
“The Daily Show” interviewed a bunch of socialists . . . plus a New York college professor (even worse) . . . who all agreed that Obama is not a socialist. Obama just doesn’t go far enough for them. But I told them that's not how Obama plays the game. That’s what makes him the most dangerous socialist this country has ever seen.
Then Sen. Obama appeared on "The Daily Show" in 2007.
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First, let’s examine socialism. One of socialism’s central tenets is demonization of the wealthy. Sound familiar? Obama plays the game of class warfare like no politician in history. His entire agenda is about targeting, demonizing, denigrating and punishing the rich. For Obama hunting the rich is a sport.
It’s like shooting rich people in a barrel.
Another central tenet of socialism is redistribution of wealth, accomplished in several ways. First, raise taxes to outlandish levels. A socialist thinks that what is yours belongs to the state.
If Obama has his way we’ll all be paying tax rates in the range of 70 percent or higher, while losing all deductions. Obama’s answer for every problem is taxes. Every speech is about taxes. Every State of the Union is about taxes. Some people play golf, others play tennis.
Obama’s hobby is raising taxes.
But, if a socialist president is blocked from raising taxes by a Republican Congress, there are other ways to skin the taxpayer. He can erode the lifetime savings and assets of Americans by asking the Fed to print trillions of dollars of fake money. Inflation is a stealth way to bankrupt anyone with income and assets — without ever raising a tax.
Just as effective is spending the country into bankruptcy. Obama has added over $5 trillion to the national debt in only three years (primarily to buy votes) in the form of stimulus, green energy “investment,” entitlements, food stamps, supporting illegal immigrants, free cell phones, free healthcare. That debt overwhelms the system and cripples the economy. Obama is enslaving our children and grandchildren to big government and big taxes for years to come.
Socialism is assured when a majority of citizens become dependent on big government and are “bribed” to keep voting for the candidates that promise to keep the goodies and bribes coming.
Sound familiar?
Socialism is about government control. It doesn’t have to be a direct takeover. Government can bail out Wall Street, banks, mortgage providers like Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, insurance giants like AIG, and automakers like GM & Chrysler.
The result is government control through intimidation and coercion. Soon government is demanding student loans be forgiven, contraception be provided for free, people who don’t pay their mortgages be allowed to stay in their homes, and electric cars be manufactured — even if no one wants them.
Sound familiar?
Or, government can just pass so many new rules and regulations that it’s impossible to do business anymore, thereby wiping out small business, jobs, and the U.S. economy.
We are slaves and our master is the Environmental Protection Agency or National Labor Relations Board. With business failing, we all become dependent on government jobs or entitlements to put food on the table.
Sound familiar?
Obama has enacted 60,000 new rules in only three years. A private company (Boeing) is stopped from opening a plant in a non-union state. That’s not government control over the economy?
Obama is following to a ‘T’ the pillars of Socialism — redistribute wealth, overwhelm the system, destroy assets, increase debt, make everyone dependent on big government and big labor, and control the economy.
Socialists also violate private property rights. Obama did that when he stole GM and Chrysler from its investors and shareholders and awarded ownership to his auto union buddies. He’s taking similar action by demanding private companies (health insurers) provide a product (contraception), while banning them from charging for it.
Socialists discredit the opposition. The Obama administration had Homeland Security put out directives to law enforcement that could be construed to render some Libertarians, conservatives, and tea partiers as possible domestic terrorists.
Socialists take away civil rights. Obama extended and expanded the Patriot Act to listen to our calls without warrants. He signed legislation to allow for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charges. And, his Obamacare bill allows for the creation of a civilian defense force on U.S. soil that answers to — guess who? The president.
Socialists want to control and censor the media. Obama supports the Fairness Doctrine, which would cripple conservative talk radio. Meanwhile, his bailout of newspapers and GE, parent of NBC, CNBC and MSNBC, allows government to manipulate and intimidate the media. And of course Obama has Hollywood under his thumb.
Yes, Obama is definitely a socialist. But he’s a stealth socialist. He believes in achieving his goals slowly, subtly. He believes in hiding and disguising his intentions.
He believes in incremental success — like boiling a frog slowly, until he’s dead without ever realizing what is happening. And he understands that he needs a few key billionaires to support his agenda and give him cover (Warren Buffett, GE CEO Jeffrey Imelt, every rich big shot in Hollywood).
Four years ago Obama slipped up and said “I just want to spread the wealth around.” Just days ago he slipped up again, when an open microphone caught him telling the Russian president to just be patient. “I’ve an election to win then I’ll have more flexibility.”
This is the Obama plan. A second term so he can finish off what he started. Make 12 million illegal immigrants — disproportionate recipients of government programs — into voting citizens.
Ban all oil drilling and watch gas soar to unimagined heights. Ban gun ownership. Raise taxes to levels that will discourage entrepreneurship and starve his political opposition. Intimidate big business into supporting his agenda. Silence conservative talk radio. Give our military secrets to the Russians. Without having to ever face another election, Obama is free to be the real Obama for the first time.
Jon Stewart and “The Daily Show” are right about one thing. Obama is no ordinary socialist. Obama is a hybrid. He is a socialist/Marxist/fascist/and corporatist all rolled into one. And that, my friends, is the deadliest breed America has ever seen.
Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He now serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. Read more reports from Wayne Allyn Root — Click Here Now.
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