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Obama Divides Us Racially

By    |   Thursday, 21 July 2016 10:49 AM EDT

One day soon, future generations will ask, “What was President Obama’s legacy? Was it economic prosperity? Was it restoring and creating American jobs? Was it an end to racism?

The answer is no, no, and no.

Barack Obama could have been the uniter in chief. Instead, he is the divider in chief. His legacy could have been one of hope. Instead, it is one of death and hate.

Ever since the myth of Ferguson and “hands up, don’t shoot,” President Obama has rationalized anti-police rhetoric regardless of the facts. He has never once apologized to the officers he’s besmirched. He didn’t pay tribute to the Dallas police officers executed in his hate-war; he lectured the grieving families at their loved ones' memorials instead.

Let's get real: The Obama White House will never be bathed in “Blues Lives Matter” blue.

Over the last two weeks, eight officers have been slain and yet the President’s campaign of anti-police hate continues. He refuses to condemn Black Lives Matter. He coddles them, legitimizes them.

Americans have never been as angry, as divided, as pessimistic, and as unsafe as they are now after eight years of Obama. Never before has an American president waged a one-man war against the police.

In theory, America’s first black President held so much promise. At the Democrat National Convention in 2004, Obama said “I see us as one America, red, white, and blue…” In reality, Obama was the wrong man for the job, a lowly state senator from Illinois, a bitter community activist from Chicago’s war-torn South Side, nursed on a steady diet of radical social justice and his father’s anti-American resentments.

But in order to really understand President Obama’s hate-war, you have to understand Chicago and Chicago racism.

Yes, it was on Chicago’s South Side that my former state senator, Barack Obama, learned to hate people who didn’t look like him or have his experiences.

The South Side is littered with too many hate mongers like this. Misery merchants who applaud and profit from the hate-war against police across the country. Grievance peddlers who preach hate is justified.

The Southside neighborhood of Beverly — my hometown — is right in the middle of this hate-war.

I was in kindergarten when ACORN volunteers first accosted me and my mother with their clipboards. Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan lived around the corner from my house. And if you want a punch in the nose, just attend one of hate-profiteer, Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation Push rallies. I learned that the hard way.

This Irish-Catholic edge of the racially-gerrymandered First Congressional District and it is represented by none other than former Black Panther Party Defense Minister Rep. Bobby Rush. During the 1960s, his charge was to procure weapons to “off the pigs.” Rush’s district also includes Mount Greenwood, a bungalow-lined enclave of police officers, firemen, and their families who must live within Chicago city-limits by statute. So the man that once advocated killing police officers now represents them in the U.S. Congress.

How’s that for justice?

On the other side of Beverly, you will find Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church, overused funeral parlors like Barker’s Mortuary, and poor predominantly black neighborhoods under siege by gang violence.

A hatred for the police — not the gangs — has existed here for decades. Don’t let Black Lives Matter fool you; there’s nothing original about anti-police hate. BLM is just the snapchat version of Rep. Bobby Rush’s original Black Panther Party.

Since 1966, at least 35 police officers have been murdered in by the Black Panthers or its spin-off group, the Black Liberation Army. Fueled by hate, these Marxist groups continue to advocate for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

The New Black Panther Party of today promises to be much worse — thanks to Bobby Rush’s political progeny, Barack Obama. So let’s give credit where credit is due. It was Bobby Rush and his Black Panther pals that laid the foundation for this hate-war. With the death of the officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, this is the high-point of Rush's career.

Rush was first elected to congress in 1992 and since then I can’t name one good thing he’s done for his constituents. They are as desperate and poverty-stricken as ever. That’s why, back in 1994, I ran for congress against Rush. This is the only thing I have in common with President Obama.” The Hawaiian-transplant ran and lost his first race for Congress here in 2000.

Unlike the President, I was once “treated” to a headlock by a member of Rush’s staff. It was the congressman’s way of saying “thank you” after I exposed the Rush’s unpaid back taxes, child support, and parking tickets — more than $58,000 in all. It was quickly swept under the rug.

Since then, Rush has been the subject of a major congressional ethics probe.

According to a recent report, Rush paid his wife $550,000 from campaign funds. He also used his campaign account to pay other family members and $190,000 to Beloved Community Christian church, a non-profit he founded. Over the years, Rush’s church has been the recipient of $14 million in taxpayer-funded government grants. In 2008, he requested a $100,000 appropriation for his non-profit and was gifted with a $305,500 earmark instead. Rush’s non-profit also received a $290,663 grant from Obama's Justice Department that same year.

Any other congressman — who wasn't a former Black Panther defense minister — would probably be in prison for these violations of federal law. Instead, Rush lives like a king while the people of his district suffer.

Is this what President Obama and Rep. Bobby Rush mean by social justice? Did police officers cause any of this?

Free of border concerns, the Sinaloa cartel has transformed Chicago into a major drug-trafficking hub. Gangs have carved up the neighborhoods and protect their turf with guns. New recruits — mostly fatherless teens — are inducted into these groups and the circle of desperation continues. Rep. Bobby Rush’s constituents are caught between the bloody gang cross hairs. Every weekend, the body count mounts — including those of young children and babies.

As of today, Chicago is on track to clock 700 murders in 2016 – the highest number of homicides in 20 years.

Still, President Obama, Rep. Rush, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the other hate peddlers don’t ever mention any of this. They just talk about the mythical falsehoods of Ferguson and “offing the pigs.”

Yes, hate is an industry - a despicable and profitable one especially in Chicago.

And thanks to Obama, everywhere else.

William J. Kelly is an American producer, television and radio host, commentator, media strategist, and critic. In 1994, he ran for U.S. Congress. In 2015, he made waves when he busted the campaign finance caps in the Chicago mayor’s race. He is the founder of RevDigital, an independent TV and documentary production house. Kelly is a frequent contributor to The Washington Times, American Spectator, and others. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.


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Hate is an industry. A despicable and profitable one especially in Chicago. And thanks to Obama, everywhere else.
black, chicago, panther, Rahm Emanuel
Thursday, 21 July 2016 10:49 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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