Sinus problems develop when the cells within your eyes and nose can’t protect the body from environmental factors, leading to allergies and chronic sinus infections. Sufferers may find some relief from certain foods thought to be the best at easing sinus troubles.
These are the six best foods to avoid or ease sinus problems:
1. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish have anti-inflammatory properties to relieve or prevent
sinus infection, according to Livestrong. These healthy fats can be found in tuna, salmon, herring, cod, and sardines.
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2. Cherries contain flavonoids and carotenoids that help reduce inflammation. Tart cherries may also reduce heart disease because of their anti-inflammatory action in the body,
the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine noted. Berries and tomatoes also have these vital nutrients.
3. Garlic has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances from allicin, the compound found in the plant. Garlic is an antibacterial food to fight infection and can defend the body against sinus and other respiratory problems,
wrote Tracey Roizman for the San Francisco Chronicle. Allow chopped garlic to sit for about 10 minutes before cooking it to retain nutrients.
4. Cayenne is one of the best foods for
sinus troubles, according to Natural News. The hot chilies contain capsaicin, which has been used in medicine for a variety of disorders. Research shows capsaicin is a remedy for nasal congestion, sinus pains and other inflammatory nasal conditions, Natural News reported. Cayenne pepper can be added to foods or taken as a supplement.
5. Yogurt contains probiotics that balance the body’s bacteria. The body has “good” and “bad” bacteria. Probiotics protect healthy bacteria while removing harmful bacteria to prevent allergies. Research has shown probiotics can reduce the duration of respiratory infections, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Sauerkraut and miso are other fermented foods that contain probiotics.
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6. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory ingredients to combat sinus infections, according to Natural News. Apple cider vinegar may also strengthen the immune system to prevent the onset of sinus problems. It can break up mucus and halt the progression of sinus disorders.
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