My July 14 column, based on the imaginary scenario of what the world would look like after China’s conquest, drew many interesting responses.
For many years, I have drawn attention to the fact that China’s population is increasing past 1.3 billion. What if from this human reservoir China creates giant armies, equipped with the latest technological weapons? Now, if the United States, the strongest democracy on this planet, turns out to be incapable of resisting these armies, what country would be able to withstand the onslaught?
There had been no response to my desperate appeal, as though the people of the free countries were not concerned about such trifles. Then came an avalanche of emails came in response to my July 14, 2011, column — which showed me that the American people are indeed worried.
In his July 16 email Riley F. says: “I share many of your concerns. But there are some things to consider . . . First of all, Americans are too proud a people to surrender to China for some material benefits . . . [What about getting the material benefit of slave life instead of death under torture?] Second, we have an armed populace, by and large. A Chinese army invading this country would have to contend with the American unorganized militia, a 50M+ force self-armed with hunting rifles.”
Imagine unmanned Chinese airplanes dropping more than half-a-century-old nuclear bombs on American soil. Now imagine Americans, “self-armed with hunting rifles,” taking out those Chinese drones.
If theses Americans constitute a voting majority in the “general presidential election,” they will elect a U.S. president even more absurd than Obama. It is ridiculous to kick Obama for his incompetence and betrayal of the country to China if he is the product of a majority of voters in the “general election.”
I have argued that unless the United States amends its system of electing the U.S. president, it will be doomed.
Brian J. writes: “I just want to thank you for your articles regarding the very real and extremely dangerous threat China poses for the U.S. and the world. Whenever I bring this up to people, they look at me like I have three heads.” And further: “The worst thing the American people have ever done is put Obama in the White House. If he gets a second term, it may be all she wrote for this nation . . . I agree than there are far too many ignorant voters in this country.”
Well, there are as many ignorant voters in the United States as in any other country, and this is why electing the U.S. president in the “general election” is absurdly dangerous but is not yet fatal.
Cynthia G. writes: “I certainly enjoy your writings . . . I am also thankful for people like you who emigrated to this wonderful country and appreciate it! Of course, I wonder how long it will remain wonderful with the traitor we have in the White House! . . . What amazed and still amazes me is how people in this country could be so stupid as to have elected this man . . . I can only pray that many more will awake before it is too late! I also take every opportunity to explain to others the deceit of this man. . . . I only pray that many more want better than what they are seeing.”
On July 17, Jackie L. wrote: “I enjoyed your article about the threat from China very much . . . I do think that there should at least be a test about our knowledge of the candidates to get to vote.”
Viet T. writes: “You have written great articles about the dangers coming from China. I am just curious if you have succeeded in swaying the American public’s minds.”
In her email on July 16, Karen L. wrote: “Thank you for continuing to write your columns about the state of US/China relations and the fact that China is our major threat in the world and has been for a while now . . . it was already evident that China was infiltrating our nation with its espionage activities . . . we see an American president selling secrets to the Chinese hoping to gain campaign donations bowing to the head of this adversarial government [with] an army far larger than our own being trained, and more . . . What you are doing is important, but I still fear for this country, perhaps the last bastion of hope for free societies in the world. I hope your columns are read far and wide, and that you have as full a speaking schedule as you can manage. Good work, sir.”
I am happy that this issue now evokes such interest. This is the only guarantee and my only hope that this problem will be solved.
I wish to thank all those who sent me their emails, encouraging me to continue my efforts to stand up for this country.
Lev Navrozov can be reached at
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