Do you believe the IRS targeting of conservative organizations involved higher-ups in Washington?
Yes, involved higher-ups 334,324(93%) No, it did not 23,611(6%)
Do you believe White House officials knew early on about the IRS targeting of conservative groups?
Yes, they knew 334,813(93%) No, they did not 23,053(6%)
Do you believe the Obama administration is trying to cover up what really happened in Benghazi?
Yes 332,981(93%) No 23,669(6%)
Do you believe President Obama has told the truth about his role in the Benghazi matter?
Yes 32,259(9%) No 324,900(90%)
If Congress finds out President Obama has not told the full truth on the Benghazi or IRS matters, should they consider impeachment?
Yes, consider it 325,120(90%) No, don't consider it 32,657(9%)