Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: "The Negro cannot win if he is willing to sacrifice the future of his children for personal and immediate comfort and safety."
President Obama, in his State of the Union address last night, said, “If we’re going to have arguments, let’s have arguments. But let’s make them debates worthy of this body and worthy of this country. We still may not agree on a woman’s right to choose, but surely, we can agree it’s a good thing that teen pregnancies and abortions are nearing all-time lows, and that every woman should have access to the healthcare that she needs.”
What the president didn't say is that abortion and abortifacients are not healthcare. They are reproductive deterrents that kill babies and sometimes their mothers. Abortion often hurts women. In the book "Recall Abortion," Janet Morana outlines the harmful impact of abortion, and #healingtheshockwavesofabortion further reveals why the president's agenda isn't good for women.
Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, in the Republican response to the president’s speech, listed what the new Congress intends to do for life, saying: “And we'll defend life, because protecting our most vulnerable is an important measure of any society.”
There is s shift in our political climate. We must pray for transformation of hearts. In my "King Rules" chapter "Defend Life," the sanctity of life is highlighted.
I am so glad that my parents AD and Naomi King didn't take the advice of "The Birth Control League," which later became "Planned Parenthood;" they chose life for me instead.
My grandfather Daddy King convinced my mother that because he had seen me in a dream three years before my conception, he knew that God wanted me to live. Mother accepted his promise to be there for her. He kept his word.
If Granddaddy were here today, he would urge us to pray for our government and all leaders, that God will guide them into serving with grace, peace, faith, hope, and love. Amen.
Dr. Alveda C. King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is a pastoral associate and director of African-American outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala., was bombed, as was her father’s church office in Louisville, Ky. Alveda herself was jailed during the open housing movement. Read more reports from Dr. Alveda C. King — Click Here Now.
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