While a dog grooming often is associated with vanity, the reality is the regimen is an important part of a canine’s health. Cats are adept at grooming themselves, but our canine companions do not carry the same traits.
Depending upon the breed and the intensity of the grooming regimen, novice dog owners can usually perform basic techniques on their beloved pooch.
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Professional assistance is generally recommended for dogs with matted hair and fur because of the complexity of the task.
Most do-it-yourself dog grooming experts recommend having a dedicated grooming area so your canine pal does not mistake the space as one for recreation.
Regardless of the breed, regular bathing is an important part of any dog-grooming regimen. Since tubs are frequently slippery surfaces when wet, it is generally a good rule of thumb to place some type of mat beneath dogs so they do not become injured.
When bathing your dog, experts traditionally recommend beginning the cleaning from the rear and heading toward the front. The reason for this technique: Canines generally shake themselves when their head is wet. If you do the face last, your dog inevitably will assist you with drying.
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Experts recommend using specially formulated shampoos for dogs because of the sensitivity of their skin. Baby shampoo is ideal for a dog’s face so it does not cause eye irritation. Care also should be taken in cleaning around dogs’ ears. In some instances — particularly for breeds with longer coats — applying conditioner could be beneficial as well.
The frequency in cutting or trimming your dog’s hair varies widely, and the necessity in doing so depends upon the breed.
Prevention.com recommends breeds such as poodles, bichons, and others with fast-growing, curly hair
should be trimmed a minimum of once every three to four months.
For the vast majority of breeds that shed their coats, a trim is usually only necessary to keep up with appearances and mitigate the frequency of shedding.
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